Death with a scythe is a rather gloomy and sinister image, and therefore, few people would like to see it in real life. However, no one knows for sure exactly what it looks like. Her image became known only thanks to ancient legends and myths. As a rule, death is depicted in the form of a skeleton or dressed in a black hoodie with a hood and holding a scythe of a bony old woman.

Why is death depicted with a scythe
Do you know why death is usually depicted with a scythe? She received such an attribute back in the 14th century, during the plague epidemic in Germany, when people died in thousands.
It is believed that it was during the plague epidemic that the catch phrase appeared: "Death mows everyone down."
Over time, Christian ideas about this image began to change. This is how the opinion arose that death with the help of the scythe cuts off the eternal soul of a person from the mortal body, thereby helping her to leave it and ascend to heaven.
In art, death with a scythe was first depicted by the Renaissance artist Albrecht Durer in his engraving "Knight, Death and the Devil". In Asia Minor and East Asia, they also began to draw it with a scythe, and independently of the Europeans. It is possible that someone was still able to see death and then describe its appearance.
In addition, in Christian tradition there is an allegorical comparison of the entire human race with a wheat field. Sooner or later, according to ancient legends, death in the role of a merciless reaper will come and reap the fruits of its scythe. At the same time, good ears of corn should fall into the granary of the Heavenly Father, and the bad ones should be burned by the hellish flame.
Now for a little bit of positive. Oddly enough, death also has a positive side. She is directly involved in the process of rebirth, as well as the renewal of life and all of nature. Without her, life would be impossible, because everything starts and ends someday.
How to draw a death with a scythe: step-by-step instructions
First, draw an oval shape for the head and add oblong lines for the future garment. Since it will be a hoodie or a raincoat, you don't have to worry about drawing them. Even if you get extra lines, they will play the role of folds on the clothes.
Then outline the shapes more clearly and depict one of the sleeves. Next, add details to the hoodie. Draw a hole for the death head. For an outstretched arm sleeve, the hole should be larger. Draw folds around the arm on the sleeve. At the bottom of the hoodie, draw a hem in the form of folds, reminiscent of fire.
In the visible part of the hood, depict the frightening face of the reaper of lives, or rather, it will be a human skull with empty eye sockets and hollows under the cheekbones. Next, draw the fingers in the form of hooked bone joints, 3 knuckles per finger. Death should not have perfect skin.
If desired, at the end of the work, darken some areas of the drawing (the eye sockets of the skull, folds of the robe, the area of the nose, etc.).
To make the dark look more colorful, place an hourglass in the skeleton's hand, which personifies someone's life. Then draw part of the main attribute of death - a long scythe pole.
All that remains is to add the blade to the tool, and we can say that you have already done almost everything. Correct the lines, if necessary, circle them brighter. That's all, your drawing depicting an ominous death with a scythe is ready.