For the manufacture and assembly of furniture, you do not need to buy expensive machines and multifunctional tools. In most cases, those that each owner has are enough.

Step 1
For the manufacture and assembly of cabinet furniture, you will need tools, which for the most part are in every home. But you will need to buy some specialized devices (for example, calipers, cutters, stapler). The whole range of tools, according to their functional purpose, can be divided into the following categories: for marking, sawing, planing, chiselling, drilling.
Step 2
To carry out the marking of wooden canvases, you need to have a tape measure (three-meter is enough), a building level (the most convenient to use - 30 cm in length), a metal corner, a wooden or plastic ruler, a caliper, an alcohol-based marker and a simple pencil marked HB or TM (gives a sharper and brighter line).
Step 3
To make the process of manufacturing and assembling furniture faster and of better quality, you should stock up on a set of components in advance. The main ones are as follows: sharpening stones for sharpening drills, bits ph-2 and ph-2, hex bits, drills for metal with a section of 2, 5 and 8 mm, drills with pobeditovy welding with a diameter of 6, 8 and 10 mm, a Fosner drill with a diameter of 3, 5 mm (it will be required to add hinges), a 3 mm cutter (for grooving a groove under a printed edging), a 4 mm cutter, a bypass cutter (needed to copy parts in the process of cutting canvases), a set of wood saws (for a jigsaw).
Step 4
For the manufacture and assembly of cabinet furniture, it is important to have a quality power tool. You will need an electric drill or perforator, on which a wood cutter is installed using a special nozzle. But it is better if a full-fledged milling cutter is available (it is recommended to buy Makita brands). A battery-powered screwdriver is needed to connect parts and drill holes.
Step 5
From a hand tool you will need: a small hammer with a nailer, a mallet, pliers, side cutters, pH-1 and pH-2 screwdrivers with a flat blade, a Phillips screwdriver, 2-3 clamps. To complete the process of upholstering upholstered furniture, you will need to buy a stapler with a set of staples. For gluing the edge, it is advisable to have a hair dryer available. But its absence will not interfere with the assembly process, since many home craftsmen replace this tool with an ordinary household iron.
Step 6
To cut wood, you need to have a jigsaw or circular saw. Many furniture makers claim that the latter gives a cleaner edge. When cutting the canvases using a jigsaw, cut irregularities inevitably occur, so the part has to be additionally leveled. A belt sander is needed for this and other purposes.