Lovers of indoor plants are not limited to growing flowers in pots, because you can create whole compositions and decorate any interior with them. They are called mini-gardens and florariums. Ready-made designs can be purchased at a flower shop, but they are easy to make with your own hands.

The florarium is beautiful and unusual. A bright composition can be created from your favorite plants, including flowering ones. And, of course, it is very interesting to observe and care for the mini-garden.
Ready-made florariums sold in stores are quite expensive. But this composition does not have to be bought, you can create it yourself. This does not require expensive materials, and much can be found at home. First you need to choose a container suitable for the florarium. It can be of any size and shape, the main thing is that the vessel must be glass. In the store, you can buy a special aquarium or choose a jar, vase, glass, etc. for these purposes.
When the container is ready, the plants are picked up. Here you need to take into account the design and idea of the florarium and the growing conditions. Compact flowers that grow slowly are suitable for a mini-garden. And, of course, the overall composition is decorated with various decorative elements: beautiful stones, snags, figurines, etc.
Once the plants and glass container are selected, you need to think about the substrate and drainage. Sandstone, pebbles or expanded clay are used as drainage. It is important to remember that there should be a lot of it so that excess liquid does not harm the flowers. The substrate is chosen depending on which plants will be planted. For example, for growing an orchid you will need tree bark, for succulents - sandy soil, etc. Activated carbon must be added to the flower soil, which will protect the earth from souring.
To create and care for the florarium, you will need special tools, especially if a container with a small hole is chosen. Before making a mini-garden, you need to prepare tweezers or other improvised device. You will also need a long-needle eraser to compact the soil, a spray bottle, and a small bottle to water the plants.