How To Make A Tulip

How To Make A Tulip
How To Make A Tulip

Table of contents:


Undoubtedly, the most delicate, brightest, most cheerful spring flowers are tulips. They will be able to emphasize the charm of the bride, warm the soul of an elderly person, cause tears of joy on the mother's birthday, illuminate any memorable event and just any day of the year with gentle light. A do-it-yourself tulip using the Japanese origami technique will be a particularly pleasant surprise for a loved one.

Tulip is the springiest flower
Tulip is the springiest flower


Step 1

In order to make a tulip out of paper, you just need a blank sheet. One of its corners should be connected to the opposite side of the sheet. You get a square folded in half. Cut off the remaining strip of paper with scissors. To make a tulip from paper, both parts of the sheet are useful: both the square and the remaining strip.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 2

The square should be bent in half 2 times diagonally. In this case, it will be divided into 4 triangles of the same size. 2 of them should be folded together so that the other pair of triangles bent into the inside of the figure. Next, you should smooth out the resulting folds well.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 3

Now the left corner of the top of the shape should be connected to its top. The same must be done with the right corner.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 4

Next, the resulting figure must be turned upside down. Then connect the 2 corners of the triangle to its top and iron all the folds well. You should get a shape that resembles a rhombus.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 5

Now the upper left triangle, which is part of the rhombus, should be turned over to the upper right triangle, and the lower right - to the lower left. The result is a shape that still resembles a rhombus.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 6

Then the upper left side of the rhombus should be connected to the middle line of the figure. The right side also needs to be bent to the midline, but part of it should go into the formed left pocket.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 7

The resulting figure should be turned over and the same should be done with its lower part.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 8

Now the figure needs to be given volume. To do this, inflate it through the bottom hole formed by folding the paper.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 9

It remains only to bend the petals of the flower. The tulip bud is ready.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 10

Next, you need to take the initially remaining strip of paper and make a tulip stem out of it by twisting the strip itself.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 11

Now the resulting tube should be inserted into the hole at the bottom of the flower bud.

How to make a tulip
How to make a tulip

Step 12

The paper tulip is ready.
