How To Make A Beaded Tulip

How To Make A Beaded Tulip
How To Make A Beaded Tulip

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Spring flowers are beautiful - tulips, many love them, but they bloom for only a couple of weeks. It is possible to preserve their beauty by making beaded flowers. Such products will be a wonderful interior decoration.

How to make a beaded tulip
How to make a beaded tulip

It is necessary

  • - beads of red, black, yellow and green colors;
  • - thin wire for beading;
  • - thick wire with a diameter of about 2 mm for the stem;
  • - green floral tape;
  • - nippers;
  • - glue "Moment".


Step 1

Start weaving from the flower petals using the parallel knitting technique. Cut a piece of wire 40 cm long. String 2 red beads on it. In the next row, increase the number of beads by one, i.e. dial 4 pieces. In the third there should be 4, in the fifth - 6, from the sixth to the twelfth, dial 7 beads in a row.

Step 2

In the next row, start shaping the middle of the tulip. String 6 beads of red and one yellow, in the fourteenth - 2 red, 1 yellow and 2 black, in the fifteenth - 1 red, 1 yellow and 2 black and in the last row of petals - 1 yellow and 2 black.

Step 3

Next, weave the other side of the tulip petal. To do this, cut another piece of wire, also 40 cm long. Weave the second half in the same pattern as the first. But after weaving each row, pass the end of the wire into the loop between the rows of the first half of the petal. String beads of yellow and black shades for the middle of the tulip in a mirror image. Make 6 identical petals.

Step 4

For the stamens, take black beads. Cut 3 pieces of wire, each 20 cm long. String 1 bead on the wire, fold the ends together and cast the rest of the beads on both parts of the wire. To make one stamen, you need about 10 beads.

Step 5

Weave tulip leaves in two halves, like petals. Cast 1 green bead on a wire 40 cm long. Next, weave in the parallel technique of lowering, cast on 2 beads in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rows. In the next three - 3 beads each, then make 2 rows of 4, three rows - 5 beads each, in the next dial 6, then reduce the number in each next row by 1 bead until the number of beads reaches 2.

Step 6

Then weave the second half of the sheet in the same way, while after weaving each row, pass the end of the wire through the loop on the side of the first part. Weave 2 sheets according to this pattern.

Step 7

Start assembling the tulip. Take 3 stamens and twist the wire under the beads together. Attach 3 petals to them and also twist the wire. Place the next tier of the bud between the petals of the first. Give the tulip the desired shape.

Step 8

To make the stem stronger, and the flower can be placed in a vase, attach a thick wire to it. Place it over the beading wire and twist. Start wrapping the floral tape around the stem. Try to do this carefully so that the frame is not visible.

Step 9

At a distance of 3-4 cm from the bud, attach the first leaf to the stem, secure and continue wrapping the stem with green tape, after 1 cm, attach the second leaf and wrap the stem to the end. Cut off excess wire with wire cutters. Secure the tape with a small amount of Moment glue.
