The moon has been the constant companion of mankind from the very beginning of its existence. Ancient people were afraid of her sparkling disk in the dark sky, lovers dedicated poems to her and shared their experiences with her, and sorcerers and magicians endowed with magical powers. Today it is scientifically proven that the Moon has a strong effect on the movement of the world's oceans, regulates the ebb and flow, and controls our mood. And how to use this influence and make the moon help itself?

The waxing moon is a time of renewal and active action. It was during this period that you need to make grandiose plans, dream of love, wealth and look at pictures in fashion magazines. After all, all your ideas and projects, drawn up and recorded at this time, acquire great strength and have every chance of being realized in the very near future. The growth phase of the moon is a time of increased human activity, which is why now it is easier for us to manage everything that on the waning moon could cause great difficulties.
Remember one simple rule - everything that you get rid of on the growing moon will return to you doubled and much faster. A haircut done during this period will allow you to grow your hair, so if you do not want to go to the hairdresser again in a couple of weeks, bring your hair into shape on the waning moon. But for those who are growing their hair, the growing moon is the best time to get rid of split ends and give their hair a well-groomed look. By the way, the same rule applies to removing excess hair - in no case do this on a growing moon, otherwise you risk getting a diametrically opposite result.
When the moon grows, all microbiological processes intensify. This is a great time for souring cabbage and pickling cucumbers. But it is better not to cook the jam - it can quickly deteriorate. If you have a garden plot or you are fond of planting greenery on your own windowsill, it will be useful to know that it is always better to sow and transplant on the growing moon. Plants, like all living organisms, grow and develop more intensively during this period, so they can more easily tolerate minor damage and stress.
All the manipulations associated with cleansing, getting rid of the unnecessary and throwing away the old on the growing moon do not lead to anything good. On the other hand, shopping trips, rehabilitation therapy after an illness or exhausting diet and procedures aimed at raising the tone will be beneficial. Human performance on the growing moon increases several times, so you can do fitness, aerobics or jogging in the fresh air. But with the uncontrolled eating of everything on which your attention stops, you should be extremely careful. Right now it is easiest to gain excess weight - after all, the body actively accumulates everything that it may need.
But the best thing you can do on a waxing moon is to fall in love. According to astrology, it is these relationships that become the longest and may well develop into the most real strong feeling.