Do you believe in omens? Now they are superstitions, but in Russia they were an integral part of life. Often people, animals and even insects become objects of signs.

Not everyone likes spiders, but we have to admit that they are part of the ecosystem in which humans exist. These insects choose not only forests or other places of wildlife as their habitat, but also houses and apartments. What to do or not to do if you find a spider in your home?
Signs about spiders in the house
The vast majority of beliefs say: a similar insect that lives in a house brings only good news. In ancient times, it was firmly believed that the spider is a symbol of happiness and prosperity for household members. It is considered special luck to meet an insect after dinner.
According to some other interpretations, to see a spider in the house is to get any news soon. In this case, the actions of the object itself are of no small importance. If the insect goes down the "thread" - wait for unpleasant news, but if at the same time it immediately rises up - joyful.
When an indoor spider sits on a web, you can even make a wish and then watch what it does. It crawls down - everything will come true, up - alas, not this time.
In case a spider suddenly falls on your head, do not be alarmed, because this is a proven sign that portends an unexpected inheritance or large profit from a completely unexpected side.
In any situation, when you meet a small, harmless spider in your house, do not kill him - they ask for signs about this. If such a neighborhood absolutely does not suit you, carefully put the insect on a scoop or sheet of paper and take it outside. Otherwise, luck will turn away from you.
Signs about spiders in nature
With the help of these eight-legged creatures, our ancestors predicted various natural phenomena and often did it very accurately. To this day, such beliefs have also come down in the form of signs.
For example, if, being outside the city, you found that after the rain a spider began to actively weave a web, you should know that the bad weather has receded, and there is a warm time ahead.
When a spider hides in a corner of a web, it is a sure harbinger of bad weather.
If in the spring a lot of silver cobwebs fly over the field, the summer will be hot. If such a phenomenon occurs in the fall, it also portends warm weather.
Believe the omens or not - the choice of every person. But do not forget: their effectiveness often depends on this. After all, it is not for nothing that they say - "it will be rewarded to you according to your faith."