Grapes bloom for only a few days, but despite this, flowering is the most significant period in the life of the plant. It is also important for the owner of the vineyard, because the volume of the future harvest directly depends on the duration of this period and on the number of fertilized flowers.

Step 1
Some grape varieties begin to bloom as early as 16-18 ° C, although the most favorable temperature for this important period is 25-30 ° C. If the grapes grow in a well-lit place, then its flowering can come earlier, even under not very favorable temperature conditions. It has been noticed that the same grape variety can bloom at different times, being in the same climatic zone, but under different lighting conditions. Unfortunately, when the temperature drops below 15 ° C during the flowering period, many grape varieties do not fertilize, therefore it is so important to protect the plant from spring cold snaps.
Step 2
The grapes begin to bloom early in the morning, at sunrise, at about six o'clock. This continues until eleven in the morning. During these hours, there is a massive flowering of grapes, the rest of the time, only a few belated flowers are revealed. Morning hours are most favorable due to the humidity of the air, because at first it is very important that the stigma of the grape flower does not dry out. Approximately 24 hours after the beginning of flowering, in case of successful fertilization, the stigma of the flower begins to dry out and changes its color from light yellow to brown.
Step 3
For heterosexual grape varieties, rains are especially dangerous weather conditions during the flowering period, since female flowers are practically not fertilized. The fact is that the rain washes away the pollen, and it simply does not have time to germinate in the amount necessary for full fertilization. Even under favorable conditions, only half of the flowers are fertilized; this is one of the biological characteristics of grape plants. In order to protect yourself from the adverse effects of bad weather, you should not grow grapes without shelter in areas where frequent rains are observed in the spring season.
Step 4
It is not recommended to irrigate the vineyard during flowering. This can negatively affect the future harvest. It's all about a sharp increase in air humidity during watering. This is not a natural process, which means it can significantly reduce the number of fertilized flowers. If the vineyard is small, then artificial pollination is recommended to increase the future yield. In large areas, this is difficult, which is why the grape harvest largely depends on weather conditions, and its volume may vary from year to year. The flowering period of grapes is from seven to twenty days, depending on the climatic characteristics of the area and the variety.