Why Do Grapes Dream

Why Do Grapes Dream
Why Do Grapes Dream

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Divination by dreams is a long-standing entertainment of girls. Even in Russia it was believed that dreams are prophetic, but they are symbolic, i.e. those in which what they saw has a certain symbolic meaning. The first interpreters of dreams appeared in Byzantium, they made up whole treatises on the meaning of the dream. The tradition of giving meaning to dreams has remained to this day.

Why do grapes dream
Why do grapes dream

Grapes in culture are a sign of community, berries collected in a bunch of grapes often become a metaphor for a family or clan, its wealth, and general well-being. In a dream, grapes are almost always a favorable sign, which suggests that, perhaps, soon your life will change for the better.

In Christianity, grapes are a symbol of the divine principle, one of the messages says: "I am the vine, you are my shoots," meaning the followers of Christ, his disciples.

Good signs

A grape vine, ripening in the sun, for women is a sign that portends an imminent improvement in personal life, possible marriage and motherhood, and for men - success in financial matters.

If in a dream you see a lot of grapes hanging in bunches on a vine, then soon your social status will increase. Dreams about a vine are always a sign of the improvement of material affairs, the more bunches of grapes on the vine, the better: you will have a quick career growth. A blooming vine portends good health in the future, recovery for the sick.

The grapes presented to you in a dream portends a pleasant acquaintance. There are grapes in a dream - to the imminent start of a romantic relationship. If you dreamed of a vineyard overgrown with leaves and weeds, this is to justify hopes, to make dreams come true.

It is a good sign to eat grapes, cut or crush them. All this means a speedy fulfillment of desires, good luck, but if you ate sour grapes, this, on the contrary, promises losses, problems at work and at home.


If you dreamed of a vineyard running, dried up, or completely without berries, this warns you of a possible deception, imminent disappointment. It is also a bad sign to give grapes to someone, to treat. Plucking leaves - to the deterioration of friendly relations through your fault.

To be in a dream among wild-growing grapes, to get confused in its thickets, to fight off lashes, means to fight against a lie in reality, to be delusional, to expect betrayal.

It also matters how the dreamed grapes looked. So, red is a symbol of deteriorating health, green warns against wrong actions, which may soon come out sideways for you. Black grapes are a sign that you are appreciated at work and your bosses consider you a valuable employee; purple grapes also dream of material well-being. White berries - to the realization of secret aspirations, but small ones dream of small troubles, ripe large berries - to soon joy. Rotten fruits in a dream - to vain troubles in reality.
