People born from September 2 to September 29 are under the protection and patronage of grapes. The Druid horoscope claims that such individuals are creative in solving various issues. They are not bright leaders, but very responsible organizers.

By their nature, people born under the sign of the grape are emotional, sensitive, passionate and a little vulnerable. They try to control their impulsiveness, from childhood they learn to hide too strong emotions. But they do not always succeed.
At the beginning of communication, a man-grape can give the impression of a serious, restrained, judicious person. With new acquaintances, such people prefer to keep their distance. They hide their emotions and true thoughts behind masks. However, with closer and closer, prolonged communication, it becomes clear that the grape man is not at all as cold as he wants to appear.
People who are patronized by grapes have a very volatile character. In addition, they are highly susceptible to mood swings. Even a minor nuisance can unsettle a grape-man, plunge him into the abyss of despair. But he is not in a dull state for a long time. He knows how to quickly switch. He has a mobile nervous system. Therefore, it often happens that in the morning a grape-man wakes up in a disgusting and anxious mood, but in the second half of the day he radiates positive and rejoices at every little thing.
Due to the instability of the emotional background, people born under the sign of grapes can find it difficult to find a common language with other people. Moreover, under the influence of emotions, their thoughts quickly jump, their behavior and speed of speech change. And this can be surprising and repulsive.
The grape man is not overly ambitious. However, he dreams of getting well in life. For him, balance is of great importance. The grape man tirelessly strives for harmony and stability. It is important for him to achieve financial independence.
Leadership traits are not very strong in such people, although they can manage the team if fate does not give them any other choice. However, people who are patronized by grapes will not rush to take a leadership position at work on their own. They like to be in the role of the performer more. They know how to establish their own workflow, they are responsible for their tasks. They don't like drastic changes or deadlines. The grape-man, in principle, does not like to be nervous and in a hurry, because such a thing violates his inner harmony.
The grape-man is interested in both science and creativity at the same time. He enjoys visiting museums, going to theaters or going to the cinema. However, he is in no hurry to realize himself as a man of art. He is more attracted to the civil service.
A person who, according to the horoscope of the Druids, is a grape, has a great sense of humor. He knows how to joke, is able to cheer up his friends and comrades. His jokes are never cocky, rude, or harsh.
People who are patronized by grapes love to be in the spotlight. They constantly need to feel that their family and friends are interested in them, in their art or work. If the grape man does not receive support or care, it becomes difficult for him to maintain a positive attitude. He is exhausted and turns into a dull person who is not attracted to anything. Sometimes a grape-man becomes too dependent on his environment, loneliness begins to frighten him, therefore he strives to constantly be in the circle of friends or acquaintances, which can greatly irritate or tire loved ones.