How To Make A Birdhouse From A Plastic Bottle

How To Make A Birdhouse From A Plastic Bottle
How To Make A Birdhouse From A Plastic Bottle

With the onset of cold weather, most birds fly away to warmer regions. But there are also those who are not inclined to change their place of residence. Birds have a hard time finding food during the winter, and many people arrange feeders for them.

How to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle
How to make a birdhouse from a plastic bottle

To build a bird feeder, you can use more than the usual wooden planks. You can also make a bird's dining room from non-traditional materials. For example, it can be an ordinary plastic bottle, cut and processed in such a way that it is convenient for the birds to get to the place where the food is located, and the bird table itself would not get wet due to precipitation, otherwise the food could go bad.

The simplest option for making a feeder from a plastic bottle

For a plastic bottle feeder, a regular product with a volume of 1.5-3 liters is suitable. Take a utility knife or small sharp-edged scissors and cut a couple of holes opposite each other in the bottle. They can be cut out in a rectangular, rounded shape or in the form of arches - as your fantasy tells you. Between them it is necessary to leave jumpers at least one and a half centimeters, if they are narrower, the bottom of the feeder may simply break off.

At the holes, try to paste over the edges with adhesive plaster or electrical tape - they will not turn out sharp, it will be more convenient for the birds to stick to them. You can also make two small holes at the bottom of the bottle and insert a straight branch into them - you get a roost.

The feeder can be fixed on a tree by tying it to the trunk by the jumper with electrical tape, wire, twine. Or make it suspended - twist a hole in the lid, pull the ends of a twine of a suitable length into it, tie them. Pull the resulting loop and hang the feeder on the branch from it. The knot in the lid when tying the ends of the string will prevent it from stretching out.

Self-filling trough option

You can make a feeder in another version - it will independently fill the birds with food as it is eaten. For such a product, you will need two identical bottles. Cut off the top third at the first bottle, make holes-windows at the bottom. It is better to first draw windows on the plastic using a marker - this will make it more convenient to cut. The shape and size of the holes can be made by any, the only condition is that the birds must fit comfortably in them. A good option is 2-3 holes with a width of 5-7 cm.

The second bottle with the help of a funnel should be half filled with food, inserted into the cut bottle. Secure the second bottle so that the neck just doesn't reach the bottom. As the birds eat up some of the feed, it will gradually pour into the bottom of the feeder.

You can make two through holes in the bottles so that they are at the same level, insert a stick into them, and tie a string to its outward ends. For him, the bottle will need to be hung.
