How To Make A Telescope From A Plastic Bottle

How To Make A Telescope From A Plastic Bottle
How To Make A Telescope From A Plastic Bottle

There is a plastic bottle in almost every home, so let's consider what you can create from it, in addition to vases.

How to make a telescope from a plastic bottle
How to make a telescope from a plastic bottle

This is a very unusual use for a plastic bottle. And the materials are as follows: two bottles (with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, preferably with stickers - they will serve as guidelines), adhesive tape, scissors, a magnifying glass, a small magnifying glass.

Take the bottle and cut the base where the underside of the sticker is. If the sticker is still on the bottle, remove it. After that, take a small magnifying glass and glue it to the neck. It is better if their diameters are not very different. Then take the second bottle and cut out its middle part just along the upper and lower sides of the sticker, remove the sticker itself. Cut it so that you get a strip instead of a cylinder. Wrap the first bottle on top of it so that their bases match, secure with duct tape wrapping it around. The base for your plastic craft is ready.

Now all that remains is to adjust the magnifier. Glue it to the bottom of the bottle. The telescope is ready and you can enjoy the view of the stars, the Sun, or at least look at passers-by from the balcony.

By the way, in this case, a refractor turned out, that is, a telescope in which lenses are used as an objective.

There are also specular reflectors (from the English "reflection" - reflection) and catadioptric, that is, mirror-lens. To determine the magnification, you need to take the ratio of the focal lengths of the lens and eyepiece.

In addition to a telescope from a plastic bottle, you can make various vases, watering systems, a funnel for water, a flower pot and much more. As always, everything depends entirely on the power of your imagination. So make crafts from plastic and more, create!
