There are never too many dolls. When you already have large and small, soft, porcelain and other dolls in your collection, it may seem to you that it is time to stop and start collecting something else. But the soul asks for more and more, and preferably, without repetitions. Therefore, do not rush to deny yourself the pleasure of replenishing your collection with an original toy made, or rather, molded with your own hands.

It is necessary
For the dough: flour - 1 cup, salt - 0.5 cups, water - 125 ml. Heat resistant baking paper, paints, paintbrush, fluffy woolen threads, wire, toothpicks (just in case)
Step 1
Knead the salted dough. It should not crumble and should not stick to your hands. Add a little water or flour, depending on the situation, until you achieve the desired consistency. Blind the bun.
Step 2
Pinch off a piece of dough the size of a table tennis ball. Roll a thick oval out of it - this will be the body.
Step 3
Take a stack, a small knife, or just a toothpick and cut the oval from the bottom about one-third lengthwise.
Step 4
Correct the shape of the resulting legs, slightly tighten the body. Correct the whole figure.
Step 5
Place the future doll on a piece of heat-resistant paper.
Step 6
Pinch off some dough and roll a ball out of it - the head. Stick it to your torso with a piece of a toothpick. Proceed carefully, as, unlike plasticine, the dough instantly deforms from the wrong touch.
Step 7
Take two more pieces of dough and roll them into small sausages that will be your hands. Stick them to the body in the position that seems most attractive to you - fold them on your chest, put them on your belt, stretch them along the body or to the sides.
Step 8
Next, you need to determine who you will have - a boy or a girl, and what kind of hair you want to see on your doll. If you want stray hair, then skip the next step and go to step 10. If you decide to make hair from dough, then step 9 is for you.
Step 9
Pinch off tiny pieces of dough from the kolobok, roll them into small caterpillars and carefully stick these caterpillars on the head of the doll. The longer the caterpillars, the more the doll will look like a girl. You can also create the effect of smooth hair by sticking a thin scone over your head.
Step 10
Use a toothpick to outline the eyes, mouth, and nose. Draw the outlines of the clothes.
Step 11
Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees and send the doll to dry. After 5-6 minutes, reduce the heat to a minimum and dry the doll until firm. Make sure that it does not burn.
Step 12
In general, your baby doll is ready, although it is better to dry it to the end - already in the open air. During this time, you can optionally color the toy and make hair for it, if you have not done this earlier from the test.
Step 13
For hair, cut the fluffy woolen threads into pieces of about 1-2 cm. Glue them one by one to the doll's head. Longer threads can be used to make ponytails or pigtails.
Step 14
Leftover dough is kept in the refrigerator or freezer.