What can you do on a day off from work? Rest, of course. Changing activities is the best way to relax, as opposed to wasting the day. Of course, lounging on the couch is also necessary, but everything has its time. Combine business with pleasure. Finish the tasks thrown in the far drawer, and then treat yourself to a sweet dessert. This is a list of things that you can get carried away with, plus those things to which your hands, probably, stubbornly do not want to "reach". Take a deep breath, smile and get started!

It is necessary
- • cleaning, detergents for cleaning;
- • computer, games, programs for photo processing;
- • stationery and handicraft supplies for handicrafts;
- • photo album;
- • cosmetics and makeup magazines;
- • outlet boxes;
- • 500 g sour cream, 1 glass of sugar, tbsp. gelatin, water, cocoa - for making jelly.
Step 1
Look at the cabinets, perhaps a huge amount of already unnecessary things has accumulated there. Empty boxes from equipment, stacks of notebooks and textbooks, broken things, spare parts from a computer. All of these are extra dust collectors, so feel free to free up space and clean up.
Step 2
If you have a balcony, then this is the next place to go. Bicycles, sledges, grandma's carts, broken flower pots, three dozen clothespins, a heap of bags, plaques, rugs, probably nowhere to stand. It turns out that the balcony "with a slight movement of the hand" turned into a warehouse. Cleaning will take about an hour, the work may be dusty, but useful - you can play sports, running up and down the stairs and throwing out the trash.
Step 3
It's time to take a break. Sit down at the computer and play on your health, for example, in quests, in strategy, but even in "Mario". Well, you can dive into the depths of the Internet, wander through the forums, watch new clips, read reviews of films, find your distant acquaintances and “chat”. Simply put, absorb the information.
Step 4
And again we start cleaning, but not ordinary, but computer. The system freezes, there is no space to store files, and in general, nothing can be found, because there is a mess on the hard disk. Clean up unnecessary folders, go through the list of installed programs and games, delete everything that you do not use.
Step 5
Now we will "knead" our fingers and imagination. There are enough holidays in the year, and if you add all the birthdays of friends and relatives, you can be left without a salary at all, buying up gifts. Therefore, try to make small gifts with your own hands, handmade cards for friends, soft dolls and plush animals for nephews, a decorative pillow for mom, and a funny cosmetic bag for a friend.
Step 6
After skipping a cup of coffee, take care of yourself. It's time to experiment with looks. On ordinary weekdays, it is risky to put on Amazon makeup, there is no time, put on makeup, you will not have time to wash off the “masterpiece”, and then you will blush in front of your colleagues. Take your time, practice creating different images, flip through glossy magazines, use the tips.
Step 7
Another idea is to create a photo album. Many have now given up printing photos, they just store photos in computer folders. But this is not very convenient, every time when you want to show someone beautiful frames or important pictures, you need to turn on the system unit, wait for the download and "rummage" in search of the desired photo. Another thing is a real photo album, but improved. After all, the photo can be processed before printing, add a frame, applique, signature, and create collages on the pages of the album itself. The programs "Adobe Photoshop" and "Corel Draw" will help you in preparing the photo.
Step 8
Finally, treat yourself to a dessert. Prepare jelly: dissolve gelatin in a glass of water and add to sour cream, already whipped with sugar. Now pour the resulting mass into 2 containers, add a few tablespoons of cocoa to one of them, mix and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Take the rosettes and pour jelly into them as follows: a layer of white, a layer of cocoa on top, a white layer again. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or garnish with strawberries and refrigerate.
Congratulate yourself, your day was great.