Why Does The Top Of A Cypress Tree Dry?

Why Does The Top Of A Cypress Tree Dry?
Why Does The Top Of A Cypress Tree Dry?

In indoor cypress, the top often begins to dry and all the needles turn yellow. If cypress has recently appeared in florists, it may not be clear to them why this is happening. In order for such a plant to grow safely at home, it will need special care.

Why does the top of a cypress tree dry?
Why does the top of a cypress tree dry?

The cypress should be placed on a brightly lit window, but shaded from direct sunlight. A ten-hour daylight hours are optimal for him. If this is not possible, it is necessary to highlight the cypress additionally. Fluorescent lamps are suitable for this.

The temperature of indoor cypress must be kept low - when it is hot, its needles begin to dry, especially in a closed room, which is rarely ventilated. In summer, it is better for him to allocate a place on the balcony, on the terrace, so that he gets more fresh air and light.

Cypress needles can turn yellow and dry out due to lack of moisture. But watering the plant should be done only when the topsoil becomes dry to the touch. Overflowing the cypress root system is very harmful.

During watering, care must be taken that the water does not stagnate at the bottom, but flows freely through the drainage holes. Root rot is dangerous - having killed the plant, it is unlikely to be revived. In winter, the frequency of watering should be reduced. You can use melt water, rainwater for irrigation, and tap water must be defended during the day.
