Today, readers are offered a ton of news. It covers the life of popular personalities, hobbies, entertainment, leisure, fashion and much more. You can always find something that interests everyone.

1. To give birth in a family way
Kim Kardashian will no longer be able to give birth on her own. But her sister will help her become a mother again
The birth of daughter North negatively affected the female health of the star. And now, even if Kim can get pregnant, she will put at great risk not only herself, but also the unborn child.
2. Natural beauty
What is natural is fashionable!
"If you want to emphasize the femininity and tenderness of your image - give up mascara!" - advise world stylists. After all, naturalness is the main trend of this spring and summer. But naturalness does not mean negligence at all, professionals warn. Make it a rule: with nude makeup, your skin should be perfect. This can be achieved with light corrective agents. And to make the look more expressive will help pronounced eyebrows.
3. A rainbow of creativity
Designer or stylist? The new Raibow Loom game will captivate not only kids, but also adults!
These colorful kits for creativity have already won the hearts of millions of mothers and children around the world. It is not surprising, because bright wicker jewelry that you can make with your own hands from multi-colored rubber bands has become a new fashion trend! Rings, pendants, pendants will add bright colors to the summer outfit. It is enough to show imagination and ingenuity. The rest will be done by special machines, which are also included in the set!
4. No mistakes!
Moscow parks will teach you how to speak correctly.
The Zhi-Shi Foundation for the Support of the Russian Language and Literature decided to replenish the vocabulary and correct the most common lexical mistakes. Playful pin-up posters encouraging to speak correctly have already appeared at Fili Park. So now, walking in the park, you can combine business with pleasure: walk and study!
5. Crystal Oscar Winner
Capuchin Crystal is recognized as the most talented actor in Hollywood
And this was once again confirmed at the Pawscar awards ceremony, a kind of "Oscar" for animals. For 18 years in cinema (and Kristall is now 20), the star has starred in dozens of films. And Crystal's fees are growing every year. So for an episode in the series "Veterinary Clinic" Capuchin received 12 thousand dollars!
6. In a fantasy world
Hurry up to get to the new Cirque du Soleil show!
For the tenth time, Cirque du Soleil delights Russian audiences with its Quidam World of Solitude, which will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year. Muscovites will be able to see a fascinating story about a little girl Zoey, her amazing friends and the search for meaning in life at the Luzhniki Sports Center - the Quidam show will run until April 26.