What Is A Second Birth

What Is A Second Birth
What Is A Second Birth

It is believed that the second birth is given to a person from above, so that he has the opportunity to rethink or change an unrighteous life. The church also considers the sacrament of baptism to be a second birth: the dying and resurrection of the Christian soul.

What is a second birth
What is a second birth

It is believed that the chance to experience the miracle of the second birth is granted from above. So that a person can rethink his previous life, change it or draw some moral conclusions.

Doctors often note that people who have been in a state of clinical death have a changed look. As if something was revealed to them that is beyond the comprehension of an ordinary person. Some kind of secret knowledge, which should not be told to anyone, for only one who has experienced such a thing can accept and understand it.

Few get the lucky second birth ticket. This fact is capable of either completely changing the worldview, or not changing anything in the mind. It all depends on the personality of the person who returned from the other world or miraculously escaped danger.

Some find the strength to live in a new way: morally richer and more generous. Maybe not one iota changing life circumstances, but making a significant reassessment of the world around him and himself in it.

But often the chance of a second birth is not regarded as an extremely valuable gift, and a person continues to live as before, mired in vices and addictions.

What can be considered a second birth

Undoubtedly, the return of consciousness after a state of clinical death should be considered a second birth. This is usually the merit of doctors. But, often, the medical professionals themselves say that the most modern means of salvation may not bring success unless someone's powerful will manifests itself.

There are cases when all resuscitation measures are completed, death is diagnosed, and the person suddenly begins to breathe, comes to his senses. Medicine does not undertake to explain these miraculous resurrections.

The second birth can also be considered a miraculous salvation from situations that directly threaten life. It can be saving life in a terrible accident, falling from a great height onto a flower bed, and other, equally obvious cases.

So, a sensation, there was information that the only living person was found on the sunken ship. It was a cook, which for three days afloat breathed the air that had accumulated in the upper corner of the galley. For three days at the bottom of the sea, living on one hope, he knocked on the bulkhead, giving a signal. He managed to wait for help, was heard and saved. This person will never forget the day of his second birth. Until the end of his days, he will be grateful to God's help, which allowed him to survive, to the rescuers who came on time and to himself. After all, he did not surrender to insurmountable circumstances, but took all feasible steps for his own salvation.

What the church says about the second birth

According to the church, the sacrament of baptism is the second, spiritual, birth of a person. Dying and resurrection to a new Christian life. This means that from now on the soul will be filled with grace, and life will pass according to God's commandments, with faith in the heart.

The Christian Church also believes that miraculous salvation and rebirth, not associated with the rite of baptism, are bestowed on a person so that his soul will return to spiritual life, open to God. The man began a righteous life and was able to fulfill his destiny. The one for which the soul came from heaven and settled in a bodily shell.

A person remembers the date of his second birth all his life. He may not celebrate this day as a holiday. But invariably, with a feeling of gratitude to the saviors and to God's will, on this special day, one will think about the vanity of the world, about what is really important and eternal in it.
