What Is Classical Music

What Is Classical Music
What Is Classical Music

The term "classical music" is sometimes interpreted very broadly. It includes not only the works of outstanding composers of past years, but also the hits of popular performers that have become world famous. Nevertheless, there is a strictly authentic meaning of "classics" in music.

What is classical music
What is classical music

In a narrow sense, classical music refers to a fairly short period in the history of this art, namely, the 18th century. The first half of the eighteenth century was marked by the work of such outstanding composers as Bach and Handel. Bach developed the principles of classicism as the construction of a work in strict accordance with the canons. His fugue has become a classical - that is, an exemplary - form of musical creativity.

And after the death of Bach, a new stage opens in the history of music, associated with the names of Haydn and Mozart. The rather complex and heavy sound was replaced by lightness and harmony of melodies, grace and even some coquetry. Nevertheless, it is still a classic: in his creative search, Mozart strove to find the ideal form.

Beethoven's works represent the junction of the classical and romantic traditions. In his music, passion and feeling become much more than the rational canon. During this period of the formation of the European musical tradition, the main genres were formed: opera, symphony, suite, sonata.

The broad interpretation of the term "classical music" implies the work of composers of past eras, which has stood the test of time and has become a standard for other authors. Sometimes the classics mean music for symphonic instruments. The most clear (although not widely spread) can be considered the definition of classical music as the author's, clearly defined and implying performance within the given framework. However, some researchers urge not to confuse academic (that is, squeezed into certain frameworks and rules) and classical music.

Possible casuistry is hidden in the evaluative approach to defining the classics as the highest achievements in the history of music. Who is the best? Can the jazz masters, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and other recognized authors and performers be ranked among the classics? On the one hand, yes. This is exactly what we do when we call their works exemplary. But on the other hand, pop-jazz music lacks the rigor of the author's musical text, which is characteristic of the classics. In it, on the contrary, everything is based on improvisation and original arrangements. In this, there is a fundamental difference between classical (academic) music and the modern post-jazz school.
