Roach belongs to the carp family. Its length reaches 70 cm, and its weight is up to 8 kg. It is the most common fish and is found everywhere: in rivers, lakes, reservoirs.

This fish does not like strong currents, so in rivers it lives in creeks or backwaters with sparse vegetation. Roach is an unpretentious fish. In the heat, it goes to a depth or clogs under the shore, but never lays on the bottom.
During cold weather, the roach gathers in schools. In deep-water creeks it keeps throughout the winter. And during thaws, this fish can swim to the shores in search of food. After the water begins to warm up to +8 ˚С, the roach goes to spawn. When spawning occurs, water splashes can be heard in calm evening weather. Roach lays eggs on plants. The development of embryos depends on the temperature of the external environment.
Roach feeds on plant and animal food: algae, crustaceans, molluscs, insect larvae, etc. Its size in different bodies of water can be different due to different living conditions.