Fridge magnets are elements that many people use to decorate the refrigerator, while some use them to attach notes with reminders of some important things. Making fridge magnets is not difficult at all, it takes very little time to make them: from half an hour to an hour.

Salt dough fridge magnet
You will need:
- a glass of flour;
- 1/2 cup salt (fine);
- 1/4 glass of water;
- gouache;
- colorless varnish;
- cardboard;
- a pen;
- glue (e.g. super glue);
- a piece of magnetic tape two centimeters long and one centimeter wide.
First of all, make a modeling dough, for this put flour, salt and water in a bowl and mix everything (you should get a rather thick elastic mass, similar in consistency to plasticine).
Next, roll out the resulting dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of about one centimeter. Draw a shape on cardboard, what shape you want to make a magnet, for example, a heart. Cut the piece, put it on the rolled dough, then carefully cut the same shape out of the dough with a sharp knife. Place the cut shape in a warm place for about 24 hours.
After the expiration of time, paint the front side of the workpiece with gouache of any one color or several colors at once. Let the paint dry completely, then cover the figure with clear varnish. After the varnish is dry, glue a magnet with super glue to the wrong side of the workpiece. The fridge magnet is ready.

Fridge magnet made of polymer clay
You will need:
- polymer clay;
- hot glue;
- curly molds (you can use molds, for example, for cookies);
- a toothpick;
- a piece of magnetic tape;
- rhinestones or beads.
Take a piece of polymer clay in your hands, roll it into a layer about 0.5-0.7 centimeters thick. Put a curly mold on the resulting layer and press. The result is a blank made of polymer clay.
Next, use a toothpick to create some kind of ornament on the workpiece. If you use a mold in the shape of an animal to create a magnet, then you need to draw a face with a toothpick.
Put the workpiece on a ceramic plate and send it to a preheated oven to 120-130 degrees for 20 minutes, then leave to cool at room temperature.
Using glue, glue a piece of magnetic tape to the wrong side of the workpiece, then decorate the front side of the magnet with rhinestones or beads (they can be laid out along the edge of the figure).

Coffee bean fridge magnet
You will need:
- coffee beans;
- cardboard;
- glue;
- a pen;
- magnetic tape;
- a beautiful button;
- bright satin ribbon 10 cm long and 0.5 cm wide.
On cardboard, draw a heart-shaped shape about 10 centimeters in diameter and cut it out. Gently glue the coffee beans to one side of the resulting blank, placing them as close to each other as possible. Place a small piece of magnetic tape on the opposite side of the shape.
Fold a bow out of a satin ribbon, then glue it on the front side of the magnet, then glue a bright button in the middle of this bow. The coffee bean magnet is ready.