The symbol of the upcoming 2017 is the Rooster. It is very easy to make fridge magnets in the shape of cockerels and put them in bags with New Year's gifts.

It is necessary
- - clay (powder + water + glycerin or ready-made mass for modeling)
- - stacks
- - PVA glue
- - magnet plates
- - acrylic or gouache paints
- - acrylic lacquer
- - brushes for glue, varnish, paint and water
- - the thread is thick
- - water
Step 1
To make figurines, you must first prepare a mass for modeling. To do this, mix the clay powder with cold water. If you use warm or hot water, the clay will lose its plasticity, since the fat particles contained in natural clay will dissolve under the influence of high temperature. Pour water gradually, stir the mass, until a consistency similar to plasticine is obtained. Glycerin can be added during mixing. But this should be done only if the clay is dry. Determining the fat content of the clay is easy. To do this, it is enough to roll a ball out of a small portion of the mass and flatten it into a cake. If the mass immediately cracked at the edges, then the clay is not greasy enough.
Step 2
The finished mass must be left for 1-2 days for the clay to mature. In order to prevent the mass from weathering, the clay must be rolled into a ball, wrapped in a damp linen or cotton cloth and left in a dark, dry place where there are no drafts. The cloth is periodically moistened with water, for example, by spraying from a spray bottle.
It is much easier to buy a ready-made mass for modeling in a creative goods store. But it won't be so soulful.

Step 3
When the mass is ready, you can start sculpting. Take a small portion of clay, roll up a ball, form a cake in the form of a bird's body, highlighting the head. Pull off a small piece of clay and make a scallop. After slightly moistening the scallop with water, connect it to the top of the head. In the same way we will make the beak, beard, eyes, wings. Moisten the seams with a brush with water, cover with clay. Separately, we will sculpt the paws of the rooster, with the help of stacks we will draw fingers and claws. In the lower part of the body and the upper part of the legs we will make holes, where later, after drying and firing, insert the thread.

Step 4
Now the product needs to be dried. To do this, carefully place the figurine on a flat, dense surface, place it in a plastic bag and put it in a closet. It is very important that the clay product dries evenly. At the same time, it is especially harmful to place the figurine for drying near heat sources, as well as in places unprotected from drafts. The bag will serve as additional protection so that the figurine dries evenly. It will take 2-3 days to dry. It is impossible to overdry a clay product, but underdrying is very harmful, since an insufficiently dried product will crack during firing.
Step 5
When the clay figurine is dry enough, put it in the oven and burn it at a temperature of 200 degrees first, then at maximum. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that at home using an ordinary kitchen oven to burn clay with high quality is quite problematic, but it is unlikely that the average person has a special kiln for firing, so an ordinary oven is also suitable. The product is fired from 3 to 6 hours. When the clay changes color, you can turn off the oven. Leave the figurine in it until it cools completely.
Step 6
An equally interesting stage is coloring. We paint the cooled figurine as our imagination tells. You can also entrust this activity to small children. Using a brush, apply acrylic paint or gouache, covering the product in 1-2 layers. For gouache, for strength, so that the paint does not stain the varnish, you can add a little PVA glue. Let's wait until the paint is completely dry. Now you can varnish and dry. Thread a thread through the holes, tie knots to keep the thread on the product. We glue the magnetic strip with PVA glue.
That's it, the Rooster - a symbol of 2017 - in the form of a fridge magnet is ready.