Male stubble, especially 3-day stubble, attracts many women. She's a light unshaven, she's a bristle and she's just part of a carefully thought-out male image. But not only people, but also animals, for example, a good-natured pig, have the right to have bristles. You can draw bristles by following a few simple rules.

It is necessary
- - album sheet;
- - pencil;
- - eraser.
Step 1
Draw the male stubble. First, depict the head of a person, observing all the proportions of the location of the parts of the face. Now draw a curved line from the bottom of one ear to the bottom of the second, symbolizing the boundary line of the bristles.
Step 2
Draw smooth lines from the ears to the corners of the mouth. Fill the entire space with small dark dots located very close to each other. These are the natural boundaries of the bristles.
Step 3
Now draw the stubble in the well-defined areas of the lower part of the face. Draw a mustache line. Draw a bold line over the upper lip. The length of the bristly mustache should match the length of the person's mouth. Draw the stubble covering only part of the beard. To do this, in the place of the lower sharp edge of the face, draw the outlines of a quadrangle, the upper corners of which slightly diverge in different directions.
Step 4
Draw a model bristle arrangement. To do this, add a continuation to the previous scheme in the form of a narrow line passing over the lips and going down to the beard. Draw the bristles in another original way, placing them in the outlined triangles with sharp points directed towards the middle of the face. Connect the sharp corners with a line that goes under the nose for an additional option for drawing the bristles.
Step 5
Draw a long mustache across the entire width of the face. Put down small dots, without going beyond the intended limits. Draw the stubble in the shape of a long beard in the same way.
Step 6
Draw the bristles of the animal. Draw a pig and select an area along the entire side length of the body. In the selected quadrangle, draw short horizontal strokes, in places in a chaotic order. This will be the side bristles.
Step 7
Draw strokes along the entire upper contour of the animal's figure, which are located diagonally and overlap each other. This will be the back bristle.