Aloe is considered one of the most useful plants in everyday life. It heals scratches and wounds, rejuvenates and stops inflammatory processes that occur in the body. The amazing properties of aloe have been known since time immemorial.

Step 1
It is quite easy to grow aloe at home, but you still need to pay a little attention to the plant so that its beneficial properties are preserved and help for medicinal and prophylactic purposes.
Step 2
To make your aloe feel comfortable, choose a spacious pot. Provide the plant with good drainage with sand, foam or special pumice to make it much easier to care for the agave, as well as using this trick to prevent stagnation of water in the soil.
Step 3
For the soil, choose a light soil mixture with admixtures of charcoal, brick chips and sand. It is recommended to feed aloe no more than 2 times a month, otherwise the plant will start to hurt. Give preference to mineral fertilizers marked "for cacti".
Step 4
Water the agave sparingly and avoid spraying the leaves with a spray bottle in favor of gently wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. This procedure helps to avoid decay of aloe leaves, since water does not stay in the porous structure of the plant.
Step 5
The centenarian is not picky about temperature, living by natural laws of nature. In the summer, aloe can be safely taken out into the street, and in the winter, the plant is content with low temperatures - 12-14 degrees.