The kanzashi technique is used to make flowers from fabrics. Each petal is created by various folds of the flap, then with the help of threads or glue, the petals are collected into a single bud. The created flower must be glued to the base, and then to the hairpin or brooch.

Step 1
To make petals using the kanzashi technique, a burner is often used, sometimes a candle flame or a lighter is used. Such a soldering of the petal will be strong and durable; the shape of the flower will not be disturbed if it gets accidentally wet. But not all fabrics lend themselves to melting, only artificial matter can be soldered - atlas, organza, etc. But in the technique of kanzashi flower making, natural fabrics such as silk are often used. If you decide to make a silk flower using the kanzashi technique, you can use glue.
Step 2
The glue for creating petals must meet several requirements: dry for a short time, fasten the fabric tightly, do not stain the fabric, do not dye it in any color. To make your work neat, use a transparent glue that dries within 2-5 minutes, for example - "Moment Crystal". With its help, you can first fix the layers and bends of the petal, then evaluate the visually obtained shape, and if the result does not suit you, quickly redo it. The advantage of this glue is that it does not have a pungent unpleasant odor, like the "Universal Moment". Another plus of the "Moment Crystal" glue is that if it accidentally gets on the skin of the hands, it easily rolls off and does not irritate the epidermis.
Step 3
It will be more convenient for you to apply glue to the petal with a toothpick or other thin object. If you decide to squeeze the glue directly onto the petal blank, you risk not calculating its amount, and excess substance can stain the work. It will be inconvenient for you to pick a flower if there are dried lumps of glue at the base of each petal, because the petals will not fit snugly against each other, but will most likely bend in different directions.
Step 4
You can use glue that dries instantly, for example, such means as "Super Moment" or "Extra glue", when you perfectly master the kanzashi technique, and your actions are accurate - each petal will completely repeat the previous one. Please note that after getting such glue on the skin of your hands, it instantly sticks together the touching fingers. Therefore, use tweezers to hold the petal.
Step 5
Use hot glue to fix the flower on the base or to glue in additional petals of the second tier. To this end, purchase a gun-shaped electrical device into which sticks of special glue are inserted. Insert the rod into the hole of the gun until it stops and plug the device into an outlet, after 5-7 minutes the glue will begin to flow out of the outlet. While pulling the trigger of the gun, squeeze a drop of glue onto the base of the petal and fix it in the desired place. If there are specific threads left on the product from the glue, you can carefully remove them by simply pulling up on one edge.
Step 6
Hot glue cools down in 1-3 minutes. During this time, it turns into a transparent mass resembling plastic. This glue is very strong, perfectly retains the shape of the flower, but is used only for assembling the composition and fixing the product on the base. It is inconvenient to use hot glue when creating petals from silk or other thin fabrics, since the dried mass becomes dense and does not allow bending the petal blank for the second and subsequent times, and in the kanzashi technique, the petal is folded more than once.