Computer games captivate seriously and for a long time - especially in those cases when they imitate any actions as realistically as possible. An example of such games is a variety of sports and transport simulators, and of course, virtual races, in which today the functions of real racing cars are almost completely copied, and playing such games, you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a race track, enjoying driving. You can buy various models of steering wheels and pedals for games in stores, but they are all quite expensive, and if you have certain skills in working with mechanics and electronics, you can make one yourself.

Step 1
To make a working module with pedals, pre-outline, cut out and assemble a base casing made of plywood 12 mm thick, with a gentle bevel for a comfortable setting of the legs.
Step 2
The cross-bar of the plywood casing, installed from the inside, closer to the front sharp corner of the bevel, should be made of hard wood, which will hold the tension of the return spring.
Step 3
Use a 12mm steel tube to mount the pedal. and the bolts with which you screw the pedal to the tube.
Step 4
At the bottom of the tube there should be a rod with a diameter of 5 mm., Holding the pedal in the brackets. Make the brackets from strong metal corners and screw them firmly to the base of the casing.
Step 5
When making the cross bar, which was mentioned just above, measure and cut it out so that it exactly matches the width of the pedal module casing and is screwed or glued to its walls and base as tightly as possible.
Step 6
Drill a hole in the cross member and screw a screw with a metal eyelet into its center, secured with a nut on the back. Attach the return spring to the ear with one end, and with the other end secure it to the metal tube to which the pedal is attached.
Step 7
Then mount the pedal potentiometer to the rear of the case, on the L-bracket, attaching it to the bushings to the pedal actuator so that it can rotate 90 degrees to either side.
Step 8
The design of the pedal module is complete - it remains to connect it to the computer along with the steering wheel and gearbox.