The Japanese art of origami is based on the use of an exclusively square sheet of paper. Both the shape and the absence of cuts during work symbolize the integrity, harmony and peace, which the author of the figure strives for. The main theme of origami is animals. A special attitude in this technique is shown to paper cranes.

Step 1
Fold a square sheet diagonally. You should get a triangle with two equal sides. Then fold the sheet in half more (triangle again).
Step 2
Straighten the upper corner, straightening to your side. Turn 90o. Before you is a shape made of a triangle and a rhombus.
Step 3
Fold the triangle to the right. Tuck in the corner to make a square.
Step 4
Fold the side corners so that they converge on the midlines in the front and back. Fold back.
Step 5
Straighten the top layer along the bending lines. Turn the workpiece over, bend along the lines to the middle.
Step 6
Expand the top along the lines up. Bend the sides of the top towards the middle to create a vertical diamond shape.
Step 7
Flip the shape over, bend the sides of the top towards the middle.
Step 8
Fold the lower left corner upward inward. Repeat on the right.
Step 9
Bend the right corner to form a head. Bend the tail back inward and the wings to the sides. The crane is ready.