How To Make A Phone Case With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Phone Case With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Phone Case With Your Own Hands

To preserve the original look of the mobile phone, the market offers a wide variety of cases. In order to preserve the attractive appearance of the mobile phone case, as well as to give uniqueness and originality to its image, many make cases themselves. As practice shows, this is not difficult.

How to make a phone case with your own hands
How to make a phone case with your own hands

Finished cover processing

A mobile phone is an integral part of our life. A faithful companion, perhaps, of every person, able to brighten up expectation, loneliness, satisfy an information hunger or, for example, the need for games. Frequent use of a mobile phone leads to a deterioration in its appearance. It seems that even a scratch can spoil the mood of the owner of the phone.

To update your phone's look, you can buy a transparent case. Most often, they are a plastic analogue of the body of a particular phone model. You can give a new life to such a cover with the help of beads, beads, bows and other jewelry. All you need to do is lay out the drawing on the case, and then simply fix it with ordinary glue. Wait until it is completely dry, then carefully remove the excess glue where it appeared.

You can paint the case with markers. Please note that they must be waterproof! After your drawing or ornament is ready, cover the cover with a colorless varnish, even nail polish will do.

Cover sewing

If you want to sew the cover yourself, you will need scissors, a needle, thread, material - preferably leather or felt. Draw a template of the future cover on paper: you can simply outline a mobile phone, or draw it "by eye". However, it is not worth repeating the dimensions exactly, because when stitching the samples prepared by you, the actual dimensions of the cover may turn out to be smaller than you planned. Make the templates a couple of centimeters wider and wider - you can always cut off any unnecessary items.

Place the template over the material that will be used to make your case. Cut out the samples, then check again to see if they fit your phone. Choose a sewing thread. They must match the color of the material. If you want to choose a different thread color, make sure that it matches the main color of the cover. Sew the samples with the outside seam. If you want to sew the material from the inside, be careful: since you have chosen a dense fabric, then when turned out the cover will change its shape not to the best option.

After you have sewn the cover, take care of its decoration. You can embroider the pattern with beads. Another interesting option is to buy a ready-made drawing in special stores for seamstresses and simply steam it with an iron to the cover (of course, this operation should not be carried out with a leather cover). If desired, sew on a zipper so that the cover can be fastened, or a strap.
