How To Draw A Bird Cherry

How To Draw A Bird Cherry
How To Draw A Bird Cherry

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Bird cherry blossoms in April-June, and every time it pleases with its rich color. Its flowers are small and gathered on small tassels. A huge number of these brushes give the effect of a snowy tree. It is not difficult to draw a branch of blooming bird cherry.

How to draw a bird cherry
How to draw a bird cherry

It is necessary

A sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a brush, a jar of water, gouache


Step 1

Take a piece of paper and place it horizontally. Using a simple pencil, draw the main branch of the shrub. If the first time you can't draw a line - do not rush to erase it, achieve line accuracy with a few strokes and remove unnecessary strokes. Place three or four brushes on it, on which flowers will be painted later, and finish painting the leaves. Pay attention to the shape of the leaves of the bird cherry - they have a pointed end and a rounded base.

Step 2

For working in color, gouache is more suitable. Color the background of the picture first, you can choose the color yourself, but preferably dark (blue, red, brown) so that the white flowers look favorably on it. Next, type green on the brush and draw the main branch along the contour of the pencil. From it, with a thinner line, draw the bird cherry brushes. From your pencil sketch, draw a green leaf with a shank that attaches to the main branch.

Step 3

Get started on the cherry blossoms. Draw some yellow paint on the brush and put small dots on the sides of the thin brushes extending from the main branch. These will be the cores of the flowers. Then rinse the brush and type a white tone on it. Now, around each yellow core point, draw five white points. These will be the petals of the flower. The more flowers you have on one brush, the more elegant a branch of bird cherry will look. This method of painting is called "sticking", because the drawing is reproduced not by strokes, but by poking the tip of the brush.

Step 4

To liven up the twig, brush green paint mixed with yellow. Stroke the leaves of the bird cherry, draw veins on the leaves, show a thin highlight on the main branch. This operation will add volume to your drawing. Rinse your brushes and clean up your work area. Your branch of bird cherry is ready!
