Preparation Of Cherry And Cherry Pits For Further Use

Preparation Of Cherry And Cherry Pits For Further Use
Preparation Of Cherry And Cherry Pits For Further Use

Cherry and cherry pits are good material for various types of creativity, massage and other household needs. But so that the bones do not start to rot and deteriorate, they should be properly prepared.

cherry pits
cherry pits

1. First, carefully remove the seeds from the berries in any way convenient for you.

2. Then we rinse them well in warm water. For this, it is convenient to use rags, napkins, brushes. Already at this stage, most of the berry pulp is removed.

3. Next, boil them in water for 10 minutes with a small addition of any vinegar. A tablespoon of essence per liter of water. If the vinegar is weaker, take more.

4. After boiling, rinse very well again, rub between fingers, change the water. At this stage, it is important not to rush, we need to ensure that all the remaining pulp comes off and the bones remain white and clean.

5. And the last step - fry the bones in a pan until slightly darkened. For the same purposes, you can use the oven, oven, and even just the sun. By the way, the hot sun is the best way to dry cherry and cherry pits - it evenly changes the color of the pits and does not "fry" it. But at the same time, this method takes much more time and from time to time you have to remember and turn over the bones during drying.

The bones are considered ready when they are very dry to the touch and rustle in your hands.
