How To Use Cherry And Cherry Pits

How To Use Cherry And Cherry Pits
How To Use Cherry And Cherry Pits

Midsummer is a great time to enjoy the cherry and cherry flavors. But we rarely think about the fact that numerous seeds from these useful berries can also be useful to us.

cherry pits
cherry pits


There are two types of massage that use the seeds of these berries.

We take one bone, apply it to a certain place on the body (it is better to consult a specialist), fix it well with a plaster and walk from several hours to several days.

We take a few bones in the palm, press them to the body and gently drive them, slightly pressing into the skin.


We collect the bones in a fabric bag and use them as directed. The pouch with bones is very pleasant to the touch. He just wants to squeeze and roll over in his hands. It can also be sewn into children's toys so that children can enjoy these sensations and develop children's motor skills.


Cherry and cherry pits are known for their ability to gain heat quickly and slowly release heat. For this, we also use a fabric bag. We heat the bones in the bag with any suitable means, apply to the body and enjoy. Indispensable for children's colic and just lulling the baby. Relieves muscle and whole body tension in adults.


From cherry and cherry pits, you can arrange a frame or a vase. It will look especially beautiful in combination with seeds of other berries and fruits, with coffee beans, beads, rhinestones. The bones can be dyed. You can drill holes and build beads, earrings or an original mobile. Great for children's creativity.
