What Is Dowsing And How To Use Them

What Is Dowsing And How To Use Them
What Is Dowsing And How To Use Them

Humans started dowsing more than 4,000 years ago. Already at that time, they accurately identified the danger zones. Nowadays, pendulums are used by adherents of alternative medicine, geologists, etc. Through this tool, people have found buried treasures, underground streams and much more.

What is dowsing and how to use them
What is dowsing and how to use them

With the help of a pendulum, you can find out if your interlocutor told you the truth. In addition, it helps many to identify the presence of one or another ailment. You can get an answer to almost any question.

Who can become a biolocation operator? Basically, everyone. True, you will need to first "swing" your abilities.

Almost any object can be a pendulum. For example, an earring, ring, nut, or something else. The object should be suspended from a string. It is best if it has a length of about 30 cm.

When you have experience in conducting dowsing, you can purchase a pendulum specially designed for these activities.

The questions of the universe must be asked clearly. If the pendulum begins to swing back and forth, then the answer is yes. As for the left-right fluctuations, they give a negative answer. Roundabout movements say "I don't know."

It is best to work with a pendulum from five to six in the morning or from midnight to one in the morning. At other times, you should not ask questions of the Universe.

About an hour before reaching the universe, you do not need to eat or drink drinks. After all, a lot of energy will be required from you. So you shouldn't force the body to expend energy on digesting food. However, drinking a glass of cranberry juice will not hurt.

Experts do not recommend dowsing after stress. Otherwise, the pendulum may give incorrect answers to questions.