How To Draw Flowers With A Pencil Step By Step

How To Draw Flowers With A Pencil Step By Step
How To Draw Flowers With A Pencil Step By Step

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Let the flowers bloom on the canvas. A voluminous peony will find a place next to a slender chamomile. Cornflowers grow in whole groups, if they do not fit on this, then depict them on another sheet of paper.



The image of this flower does not require much effort from you. It only takes 4 steps to create it.

Draw a vertical line - this is the stem. Let a small circle pass through its top tip. Around it, barely pressing on the pencil, draw a larger circle. Draw two leaves on the stem, they are oval, slightly pointed upwards.

Now between the two circles you need to draw many oval petals, try to make them the same width. Erase the guide line - the big circle. This is not difficult to do, since when creating it you did not press hard on the pencil.

Let the tips of the second protrude slightly from behind the first row of petals - the flower has become more magnificent. Paint over the middle of the chamomile with pencil strokes, leaving a light spot in the center. Add veins to the leaves and cover them with strokes too. After the chamomile has blossomed on the canvas, you probably wanted to draw other flowers with a pencil.


Begin to create it, like a chamomile, with a vertical line, which is the stem. Its top point is the center of the circle, draw it. It is quite large, place a smaller circle in its upper part.

Below the intersection of these two shapes, between them, start drawing round petals. First on the left, below, and then on the right. It was the turn of the design of the small circle. Cover it with intricate petals - oval, triangular, wavy at the top. They must close the whole small circle with themselves. Draw 3 small sharp-nosed leaves on the stem. Erase the extra lines and admire the peony drawn in pencil.


These wildflowers, which have long become garden flowers, are also easy to depict. Draw 5 vertical, slightly rounded lines of varying heights. They all start at almost the same point. At the top of each, draw a circle, and in it - one small circle. As with chamomile, they are great limiters when creating petals. Draw them in the shape of a rectangle, with the side extending from the center slightly narrower than the opposite. Each flower is painted with 7 petals with a zigzag top.

Erase the auxiliary outer circle, select the outlines of the petals with a brighter pencil, and the core too. Draw a small, full oval at the junction of the flower with the stem. This is a seed pod.

Let another 5-6 small stems grow from the main stems. At the end of each, draw an unblown bud. It remains to depict 2-3 carved sheets and complete the creative lesson.
