How To Make A Cat Pillow

How To Make A Cat Pillow
How To Make A Cat Pillow

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Cats are very cute and funny pets. Fans of these animals will surely like my offer. And I propose to make a very interesting pillow in the form of a cat with my own hands.

How to make a cat pillow
How to make a cat pillow

It is necessary

  • - cotton wool;
  • - fleece;
  • - threads;
  • - a needle;
  • - scissors;
  • - pencil.


Step 1

First you need to make a pattern for this pillow. This can be done on a plain A4 sheet of paper. The ideal size of a cat's figure is 40x30 centimeters. After the pattern is ready, you can start cutting out the details. To do this, you need to fold the fleece in half and, accordingly, start cutting. Just keep in mind that you need to cut with a margin, that is, leave 1 centimeter for allowances.


Step 2

Then we take a pencil and use it to draw the outlines of the cat's face, that is, the mouth, nose and eyes. Also, do not forget about the ears and navel. Next, you have to embroider all the indicated features with a stalk seam. If you want, then sew the nose from fleece of a different color. On the second part of the pattern, you need to embroider a tail.


Step 3

Now we connect the two parts of the pattern of the future pillow with pins, but it is imperative that the front side is inside. We sew them together. This can be done either on a sewing machine or by hand. Just don't get carried away too much. Remember that the pillow is still stuffing, so leave a small hole at the bottom of the pillow.


Step 4

We turn the product onto the front side. Now we proceed to the packing itself. The first step is to fill in details such as ears, paws and tail. At the end of this process, it is necessary to sew up the hole for the stuffing.


Step 5

The matter remains small. Making fingers for our cat pillow. They are very easy to do. Pierce his foot with a needle with black thread, make a loop, then pull it off - 1 finger is ready, there should be 3 of them in total. This should be done with all paws. The cat pillow is ready! As you can see, it is very simple to perform, but so funny!
