Storks are said to bring happiness. There are fairy tales and legends about them, they are depicted on coats of arms and postcards. Would you like to make an original gift to your acquaintances getting married? Try drawing a silhouette of a stork. Maybe it will be a fabulous stork. Or maybe a stork settled on the roof of your country house, in winter you look at it - and remember the happy summer. Then you can paint it or make an applique.

It is necessary
- - A picture of a stork;
- - paper;
- - the pencils.
Step 1
Before you start drawing, you need to consider or imagine what exactly you are going to portray. This will allow you to highlight the necessary forms and relationships between them. It is unlikely that you remember the stork so well that you could immediately convey its silhouette. Therefore, take a picture and see what geometric shapes you can divide his figure and how large these shapes are.
Step 2
The stork's body is an ovoid. When the stork is motionless, its body is in an inclined position. Ovoid is pretty correct. You can draw the center line of the ovoid with a pencil to more accurately depict the angle at which the body is to the ground. After that, you can draw the actual ovoid.
Step 3
Draw the neck. It is an almost straight strip located at a slightly acute angle to the body. One side of the strip is, as it were, a continuation of the chest, the other is parallel to it. The length of the neck is approximately equal to the length of the body.
Step 4
Draw the head. It is slightly oval, almost round, and its centerline is almost parallel to the ground. The head ends with a long nose, which is a triangle, strongly elongated in length. The eyes of the stork are small and round.
Step 5
Another distinctive feature of this bird is its long, thin legs. Consider them carefully. Their length is approximately equal to the length of the body. The stork rarely stands on two legs. Much more often one of his legs is almost straight, and the other is bent.
Step 6
It remains only to draw the wing. Of course, only one wing is visible in profile, and its shape almost repeats the shape of the body.