How To Sew A Kite

How To Sew A Kite
How To Sew A Kite

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Many, perhaps, do not know what a kite is and, having heard this word, they will probably think about what this name means. A kite is a type of kite that all children love to watch the flight of. In addition, kites are usually used as equipment for riding on water, sand or snow. You can sew the kite yourself.

How to sew a kite
How to sew a kite


Step 1

Prepare a large area for making your kite. The best option here would be a private yard, a place in a garage or workshop. At the same time, remember that nothing should interfere with your work and the space should be cleaned of excess litter.

Step 2

Buy a lightweight fabric (polyester). Take A1 paper and draw a sketch of the wing with a felt-tip pen or pencil. Cut out the sketch.

Step 3

Take the template of the first wing and attach it to the fabric, securing it with pins or pushpins. This must be done so that the paper does not slip over the material.

Step 4

Take a pulse soldering iron and use it to cut out the part in duplicate. Glue the two cutouts together. This can be done using double-sided tape, the thickness of which is no more than 6 mm. In this case, it is necessary to glue the halves of the resulting wings with an overlap (10 mm).

Step 5

Purchase a pre-reinforced tape 1.5 cm wide and about 80 cm long. This tape is necessary to strengthen the seam of the spine. Prepare the sewing machine and stitch on the ribbon while making 3 zigzag seams along the edges and center of the ribbon and attaching from the edge of the ribbon to the edge of the kite.

Sew the nylon thread into the edges of the kite.

Step 6

Reinforce the edge of the kite with a sturdy fabric. Sew the thread in such a way that there is a loop around the edges of the bottom, with a diameter of about 10 cm. Make the leading edge of the kite using a waterproof cloth and double-sided tape. In this case, the material should be selected dense. The width of the edging should be about 6 cm.

Step 7

Tuck about 10 cm of fabric around the edge of the entire kite, this will make the edges stiffer and stronger.

Make a pocket out of strong fabric to hold the reinforcement by stitching it to the kite. Pocket width, about 8-10cm. A regular car seat belt is perfect as a fabric.

Use a pulse soldering iron to cut holes for the T-junction in your pocket. Be careful not to forget to reinforce the line connections. This can be done from the same fabric as the pocket itself, not forgetting to make three holes for the sling in this reinforcement.

Step 8

Make small holes along the edges of the kite, 5 cm from the edge. Make a 5 cm slots for the top and bottom rail connectors.

Install the retaining ring.

Step 9

Insert the T-connector into the center slot of the kite. Then - the prepared fittings and fix it.

The kite is ready.
