If you are going to sew a pillow yourself, then you will surely have a question: what kind of filler to choose for it. After all, the quality of the pillow depends on its filler. Currently, there are a huge number of them. These are synthetic winterizer, holofiber, wool, buckwheat husk, etc. Let's try to figure them out.

Step 1
Sintepon is the cheapest filler. If you are very economical, then you may be tempted to use a synthetic winterizer as a filler. And most likely you will be disappointed. The synthetic winterizer quickly loses its shape. It is only suitable for decorative pillows.
Step 2
Holofiber slightly surpasses the synthetic winterizer in its properties. It keeps its shape better and is more expensive.
Step 3
Polyester is non-allergenic. A pillow with such a filling can be washed and it will regain freshness and lightness. To improve the properties of this filler, polyester is often blended with natural fibers such as bamboo or cotton.
Step 4
Micro beads, polyester or polystyrene granules are fillers that do not lose their shape, glide smoothly inside the pillow, easily conforming to the shape of your body and providing it with a comfortable position. This is why these fillers are used in maternity pillows.
Step 5
Feather and down is a natural filler obtained from the feathers of such waterfowl as duck, goose, eider. Their feather is highly hygroscopic. Disadvantages of such filler: firstly, that they can cause allergies, and secondly, that the pillow with feather filler cannot be washed. Therefore, for convenience, her napkin must be clasped.
Step 6
Wool as a filler in its pure form is rare, because very quickly loses its shape, then it is combined with artificial fillers.
Step 7
Buckwheat, flax, herbs are fillers that are best not used in sleeping pillows. You need to be careful with them, because they can cause allergies.