Delicate and affectionate linden is considered a female tree. The ancient Slavs associated this plant with the goddess Lada. Linden has soft energy and a very favorable aura that has a positive effect on a person. Ancient legends say that linden is a tree of reconciliation and harmony, as well as a symbol of love, fidelity and prosperity.

Linden is a tree that has not only healing (medicinal) properties, but also unique magical power. Our ancestors believed that if a linden tree grows in the courtyard of a house, then there will always be happiness and success in life. In the past, there was a tradition: when a child appeared in a family, it was necessary to plant a sticky stick. The tree automatically became a talisman for the baby, protecting him from evil forces and diseases.
They turned to this tree when they wanted to start a new business or get rid of any problems. To receive the protection and help of the linden, one should turn to the tree at dawn. And in order to successfully resolve all sorts of problems, they came to the linden tree in the evening, at sunset. In addition, there is a belief that a plant is able to fulfill desires and dreams, if well asked about it.
The ancient Slavs were very attentive and respectful of nature, trees, linden was no exception. It was impossible to offend this tree, break branches or chop it unnecessarily. Otherwise, a person could face diseases, as well as lose a horse. Nor should the cattle be beaten with linden twigs or under the crowns of these trees. This could lead to the death of pets.
Oddly enough, the linden tree was also very revered by the ancient Greeks. They believed that any contracts, deals should be concluded while walking along the linden alley. Then success in business will be ensured, there will be no difficulties and conflicts.
Going for a walk under linden trees is worth people who often experience strong negative emotions, live in stress, and suffer from lack of sleep. Linden “absorbs” negative energy, “cleans” the consciousness, gives inner harmony. To cope with overexertion, obsessive thoughts, nightmares or insomnia, it is recommended to place a bunch of linden branches near the bed. The plant has a sedative effect.

The linden tree is considered a symbol of love. It protects the family, strengthens marriage, and enhances passion and affection. You can make talismans from a plant, talking them to love. In addition, linden attracts money. Therefore, products made from this tree should be kept in the house as money amulets. They will also attract good fortune, success, fame and prosperity.
This plant has a special connection with the element of fire. The ancient Slavs used lime bark and branches to kindle the hearth when it was necessary to "renew" the fire. Additionally, the tree was considered an excellent protector against lightning and fires.
Other magical properties of linden:
- protects from curses, evil eyes, damage, hassles;
- cleans the house / apartment from "stagnant" energy and all kinds of negativity;
- positively affects the well-being and mood of a person, gives vitality;
- helps to catch inspiration; linden amulets are recommended for people-creators (artists, writers);
- you should turn to linden if you suddenly get lost in the forest; a tree will help you find the right path from the thicket to the house;
- if the plant suddenly dries up, withers, then in this way the linden signals: problems, failures or diseases await ahead;
- the tree gives beauty, prolongs youth, promotes longevity;
- linden is used by healers in order to "transplant" diseases onto it.