Hawthorn is a special plant, the magical properties of which were known not only to the ancient Slavs. For example, the Celts used the plant to create wreaths that protected from outside influence. And in Turkey, love potions were once prepared from hawthorn berries.

The hawthorn plant, endowed with unusual magical powers, is in demand among magicians and psychics, as well as healers and healers. In folk medicine, hawthorn tea is used to get rid of insomnia, to strengthen immunity and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It is recommended to drink a decoction from the berries of the plant to reduce the threat of a sudden heart attack or stroke.
Superstitious people and magicians advise to treat the prickly hawthorn with respect. Do not disturb the plant once again over trifles. Even though the shrub is believed to have a soft character, gentle warm energy, it is capable of doing harm. He is patronized by the militant fiery Mars, therefore the consequences can be serious. You can't just break branches or cut down a bush. The hawthorn will take revenge by sending misfortunes, misfortunes, illness, or even death on its abuser.
Although the hawthorn has tremendous magical power, it reveals its abilities only when a person planning a ceremony or creating an amulet picks berries, branches or leaves on his own. Therefore, dry berries, fees bought at a pharmacy or just in a store are not suitable for magical manipulations.
The plant is often used in protective magic, because it perfectly protects against external magical effects. In the past, hawthorn bushes were planted near the houses of witches and magicians to create an aggressive invisible defense for themselves and their homes.
People who believe in omens and superstitions also tried to grow a hawthorn bush near the house. The plant protected from natural disasters and cataclysms, from domestic emergencies (for example, from fire), from theft. Possessing powerful energy, the hawthorn "nullifies" the actions of the linings, does not allow damage, evil eye, curse to a house, a person or the whole family.

Shrub charms stored at home cleanse the space, fill everything around with warm positive energy. They bring harmony to the family, protect from quarrels, scandals and quarrels.
If you put hawthorn twigs in the bedroom of the spouses, then there will always be good relations between husband and wife. But the berries of the bush help fight nightmares. They must be placed under the pillow or near the bed, and in the morning burned outside the house. After the ritual must be repeated until the terrible dreams cease to haunt.
Even in ancient Rome, it was believed that the hawthorn protects children from the evil eye. The ancient Slavs also believed that this plant only benefits babies. It shares energy with the child, helps him develop talents and abilities. To protect the baby from negative external influences, from diseases, you need to put hawthorn berries in the crib or make beads from them, stretching them over the cradle.
The leaves and berries of the plant are in demand in love magic. Love and lapel potions are created from them. You can also make a talisman from hawthorn that will attract love to life or help a person find a lot of fans.
Amulets created from hawthorn twigs protect from conflict, envious and angry people. They attract wealth, prosperity. In addition, the twigs of the plant give calmness, relieve worries and anxieties, strengthen the strength of the spirit and self-confidence, and help in making difficult decisions.