In cities, these birds are treated differently: some consider pigeons a symbol of goodness and peace, while others experience only negative emotions. But if a bird flew into a house or sat next to a window, many are sure that this portends something.

Some signs about these birds have a negative meaning, but most bode well for happiness, good news, and problem solving. In ancient times, it was believed that if a pigeon was in the house, one of the household members would die. The angel flew in to take the soul away.
Pigeons are gentle birds that feel the energy of a person very well. A wild bird trying to survive on its own, not accustomed to the help of people, will never fly up to an evil person, only sincerity and kindness attract a pigeon. Of course, do not forget about the most common omen - if a pigeon is nagging at you - you can expect a quick profit.
A bird in the house - to trouble and the death of one of the family members. But if she flew through the open window - wait for good news from afar. And if you are lucky, and the pigeon holds a leaf or twig in its beak - to great happiness.
This means that you need to wait for news from distant relatives or friends with whom you have not seen for a long time. But the message can be either good or bad. But many are still inclined to believe that this is for happiness and favorable changes.
A bird sitting on the windowsill means that nothing bad will happen in the house in the near future. And if the pigeon flies constantly, then it will be possible to avoid trouble for a long time.
If you follow the pigeons, you can predict rain, thunderstorms and other unpleasant natural phenomena. Even if the day is warm and clear, and these birds are not there, it means that in a few hours you can expect bad weather.