Why Is The Dead Man Dreaming?

Why Is The Dead Man Dreaming?
Why Is The Dead Man Dreaming?

Sometimes people dream of deceased relatives, friends, or just acquaintances. The dead can talk to a sleeping person, give him some mysterious signs and even call for him. Such a dream makes you nervous and expect trouble from life, since many people associate dead people with death and disease. Does a dream about a dead person really bode well - or is it just a popular superstition?

Why is the dead man dreaming?
Why is the dead man dreaming?

Common explanations

If you often start dreaming of the dead, and you feel uncomfortable after such dreams, you should consider the possible reasons for their appearance. Usually, the deceased visit the dreams of people who are sad about the deceased person or often think about him. If the whole dream with the deceased has a certain plot, you need to think about such a dream - all the words spoken to you by the deceased may carry some kind of wish or warning.

Try to remember everything that the deceased will tell you - quite often deceased people in a dream tell the sleeping person important and valuable information.

If you dreamed of a living person whom you see dead, this may indicate your attitude towards him, or about some danger that threatens this person. The most pleasant explanation for such a dream is the popular interpretation that the deceased is dreaming of a change in the weather.

The dead and dream books

According to dream books, deceased people can personify a variety of things in a dream. If you dreamed about a late grandmother or just an old woman, a change in your life awaits you. A deceased mother in a dream can warn of an unexpected illness. You cannot get rid of an obsessive dead person in a dream - the past weighs on you, and the subconscious mind calls for forgiveness and the beginning of a new life without resentment and regret. If in a dream you give the deceased some thing, expect a loss or loss of your property in reality. But it is much worse if the deceased person calls you.

A deceased relative calling you after him means a mortal danger hanging over you - in no case follow dead people in a dream.

If in a dream you always see deceased relatives who are calm and serene, know that nothing threatens you in the near future, and you can completely trust your fate. Anxious and hectic dead people indicate some kind of danger that you may overlook in real life. In reality, be careful after such a dream, be sure to go to church and light a candle for the peace of the one who dreamed of you.

If you dreamed that you yourself died, do not rush to get upset - such a dream can symbolize your rebirth, the transition to a new stage of life, which will be much better than the previous one. Also, the dead in dreams can personify the resolution of old questions and problems, as well as your health and longevity. The crying dead portend a quarrel or conflict with living relatives. Joyful dead people promise good luck, luck and unexpected gifts of fate.
