How To Tell Fortunes On Sticks

How To Tell Fortunes On Sticks
How To Tell Fortunes On Sticks

These three simple ways will help you find out the answer to your question, open the veil of the future. The presented fortune-telling is absolutely harmless and helps to get a more or less reliable answer.

How to tell fortunes on sticks
How to tell fortunes on sticks

Fortune telling on matches

For this divination, you will need a full box of matches. Take it in your left hand and clearly formulate the question to which you are going to find out the answer. Now speak it and shake the boxes several times. Now, with your left hand, pull out a few matches at random. If you pulled out an even number of matches, then the answer is "no", odd, then "yes", your wish will come true.

Fortune telling on paper

Here you will need a piece of paper and a pen. Ask a question, but don't say it out loud. Now start quickly drawing on the stick sheet. Stop when you see fit. In order to find out the answer to the question you asked, start crossing out all the sticks you have drawn, three at a time. It turns out that at the end of the line you will have either one or two uncrossed sticks.

All the sticks are crossed out - your wish will definitely come true. The answer is unequivocal - "yes". There is only one stick left - it will take time to fulfill your desire, The answer to the question is "unknown." There are two sticks left - the wish will not come true. The answer to the question is unequivocal - "no".

Fortune telling on matches - the second way

Take a match and fasten it vertically. You can stick a match into a piece of wax. Now make a wish and light a match. See how it burns. If the flame is large and the match has burned out to the end, while remaining relatively flat, the chances of the wish being fulfilled are very high. The match has burned out to the end, but at the same time it is bent strongly - there will be some obstacles in the way of fulfilling your desire. Perhaps the wish will come true later. The match went out in the middle - this wish, most likely, will not come true. The match immediately went out - there is no hope for the fulfillment of the wish in the near future.