The Magical Powers Of Red Rowan

The Magical Powers Of Red Rowan
The Magical Powers Of Red Rowan

Rowan was a very revered tree among the ancient Slavs, Asian peoples, Celts and Scandinavians. This plant contains powerful magical powers, therefore, amulets and various artifacts were made (and are still being made) from rowan wood. The tree has a very tough cleansing energy, so it is not recommended to spend more than 30-40 minutes near it. Otherwise, a headache may appear.

Red rowan
Red rowan

Rowan red with its bitter berries is associated with the element of fire. As fire can be purifying, so the energy of a tree destroys all that is bad. With the help of mountain ash branches, you can clean the space of the house from "rotten" energy. The tree also helps to cleanse the mind and body.

Our ancestors believed that if a person was confused, if he ceased to control his emotions, he had obsessive thoughts and bad dreams, it is necessary to put a cross made of rowan branches under the victim's bed. Soon the darkness will subside, the person will become adequate again. With the same success, mountain ash cleanses the body. It is enough to press your back against the trunk and stand for 10-20 minutes so that you feel better, so that pains in the body pass away.

Rowan is under the auspices of planets such as Uranus and Jupiter. The peak of the activity of her magical power falls on 16-20 hours. This plant does not sleep until 2 am, so you can turn to it for help, protection and support even after sunset.

The ancient Slavs celebrated "rowan days" 2 times a year. They fell on May 25 and September 8. According to the northern peoples, mountain ash is one of the 12 sacred trees of Scandinavia. It was customary to carve protective runes on the wood, in addition, beads created from ripe scarlet berries of red mountain ash were considered a "copy" of the magic necklace of the goddess Freya. The inhabitants of Asia believed that mountain ash is capable of protecting a person from all evil, driving away uninvited guests from the subtle world. And the Celts believed that with the help of mountain ash branches you can protect yourself from evil fairies.

The mountain ash is at the same time a warrior tree, a guardian tree and a symbol of love, which is not afraid of even death. Love amulets from this plant help to strengthen, strengthen feelings, attract true love into a person's life. In the past, it was customary to give them for weddings to provide protection for a young family.

The magical properties of red rowan
The magical properties of red rowan

The ancient Slavs believed that mountain ash has a subtle, unusual connection with the world of the dead. With the help of this plant, it was impossible to get in touch with the ancestors, with the souls of the dead. However, rowan amulets, bunches of ripe scarlet berries saved a person from the "settlers", "ghouls" who followed him. In addition, mountain ash is able to destroy the energy of death, gives a person a surge of vitality, protects against serious (and even fatal) diseases, accidents and disasters. If you put a vase with rowan branches at the entrance to the apartment on the left side of the door, then not a single evil, treacherous, cruel person will be able to enter the house. The red mountain ash will also protect from energy vampires.

Ripe rowan berry beads are a very powerful charm that can be worn even by children. It will protect from the evil eye, damage, curses, from any negative magical effects. Also, such a decoration will relieve stress, strengthen health, and generally improve well-being. It will help develop foresight and psychic abilities. The amulet remains active for 12 months. After that, new beads should be made, and the old ones must be burned.

Talismans made of magic mountain ash, endowed with numerous magical properties, will relieve temptations and temptations. They will help a person stay on the right path, contribute to personal growth, spiritual development.

Rowan is a wise tree, and the plant is ready to share its knowledge with a person.