How To Bleach Paper

How To Bleach Paper
How To Bleach Paper

Table of contents:


Over time, the paper becomes stained and yellow. Scientists attribute this fact to the iron content in it, which is oxidized. It is important to be careful when bleaching the paper so as not to damage it and the applied paint.

How to bleach paper
How to bleach paper

It is necessary

  • - cotton swab;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - camel hair brush;
  • - magnesium carbonate;
  • - water;
  • - blotting paper;
  • - photographic cuvette.


Step 1

Before proceeding with the bleaching, check the durability of the paints applied to the paper and the suitability of the selected bleaching solution. To do this, dip a cotton swab in it and moisten the most inconspicuous area on the sheet. Let the solution dry. If the paint is intact, this bleaching solution will work fine. Otherwise, this tool should be discarded.

Step 2

Before bleaching, remove any acids that can damage the paper. Prepare a solution by taking 30 ml of light magnesium carbonate per liter of soda water to obtain bicarbonate. Pour the solution into a bottle and, shaking well, leave for a few minutes. Wait until a white precipitate begins to form at the bottom of the bottle. Then gently pour the carbonated water into a measuring vessel and add the same amount of plain tap water to it.

Step 3

Place the paper face down on a clean absorbent sheet. Apply a layer of solution to the back of the paper. To do this, use a spray bottle or a soft camel brush. Let dry.

Step 4

Take part of the hydrogen peroxide and two of the magnesium carbonate and mix thoroughly. Pour the solution into a photographic cuvette and place the paper on the supporting cloth and submerge it in the liquid. Keep the paper in the solution until you get the desired result.

Step 5

Slowly, on a supporting tissue, remove the sheet from the cuvette and transfer to clean absorbent paper. Dip a cotton swab in an anti-acid composition and apply in the most inconspicuous place. This is to check if the bleached paper will take on a pink or blue tint.

Step 6

If the color does change, just rinse the sheet in clean water. Change the water several times if necessary. Rinsing will remove residual chemical components that can be destructive in the future. If the color has not changed, treat the sheet with an anti-acid composition, applying it with a soft camel hair brush or with a spray bottle.
