Money has a powerful force, and not everyone knows how to use the flows of monetary energy to their advantage, although well-being and success in financial affairs directly depends on this skill. A wallet is where money is kept for daily expenses. Much depends on its shape and color. How to choose the right wallet for yourself so that it always contains the highest denomination bills.

What a "lucky wallet" should be made of
It is advisable that your wallet is made from natural materials. A leather wallet looks presentable and can attract cash flows, but there is one contradiction. Natural leather sometimes retains the energy of the killed animal, which can interfere with development and growth of well-being. The ideal material for a wallet is natural textiles.
What shape should the wallet be
Don't keep your money in a tight wallet. Banknotes must be stored unfolded. An ideal wallet should have several compartments for money of various denominations and a special place for change. To attract monetary energy, you can carry a talisman bill with you all the time. It can be a banknote with your favorite numbers or a series number that contains your date of birth. This bill should not be spent under any circumstances.
Only money should be stored in your wallet, no extraneous things should be there. No need to keep photos of relatives, icons, receipts or business cards in your wallet. Only money and plastic cards.
What should be the color of the wallet
The black wallet is a classic. Many people prefer this particular color because it symbolizes high status and respectability.
A brown wallet can attract money to itself. Brown is believed to instill a sense of calm and stability.
The red wallet is also capable of attracting monetary energy to itself. It is the color of activity, aggression and strength. In the red wallet, your money will always be in motion. For those who prefer stability in life, it is better to choose a wallet of a different shade for themselves.
According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the colors of the Earth and Metal (gold, silver, green) will be the most favorable.
Colors belonging to the Water element are unfavorable for the wallet. If you want to have money, then do not buy products in blue and light blue.