What Should Be A Wallet To Attract Money

What Should Be A Wallet To Attract Money
What Should Be A Wallet To Attract Money

Wallets are made in different shapes and sizes, from a variety of materials. But they have one goal - keeping money. If there is a sufficient amount in it, the mood improves and a feeling of comfort arises. A wallet can attract or repel money. There are several guidelines for choosing the "right" wallet.

A wallet of a certain color and size can attract money
A wallet of a certain color and size can attract money

The wallet must be quite expensive. The law of attraction of the like is at work here. There will never be a lot of money in a cheap wallet.

What house would you like to come to? Most likely clean and beautiful. Likewise, money will avoid old shabby wallets.

So, prepare a decent home for a large sum or just a salary. There should be several branches, like rooms, for large and small banknotes and for coins.

It is better if the wallet is made of natural materials (leather, suede, etc.), because synthetics cut off the access of energy, and, therefore, wealth.

The color of the wallet is also very important.

Wealth is symbolized by shades of wood, earth and metal: brown, yellow, golden, green.

Red is undesirable. since it refers to the element of fire, which destroys wood and metal. Paper bills are just a symbol of wood, and coins - metal.

The size of the wallet must be at least the size of the bills, i.e. they should not be folded in half or wrinkled. On the contrary, money should be straightened out and feel free. At the same time, it is not scary if the wallet itself folds in half and fastens with a clasp.

Money in your wallet should feel free
Money in your wallet should feel free

An old Russian means of attracting money is to put a piece of shitty root in your wallet. This plant attracts material energy.

Many people carry photographs of loved ones in their wallets. This cannot be done, because they interrupt cash flows. In addition, through photographs, money negatively affects these people, causing them to be greedy or extravagant.

It is allowed to store cards and credit cards in the wallet.

A wallet should never be empty, this is considered a bad omen. It must contain at least one coin.

The wallet is a symbol of money. And what a symbol, such money!
