How To Make A Goose Feather Float

How To Make A Goose Feather Float
How To Make A Goose Feather Float

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You can make a goose feather float in 10-15 minutes. Such a float feels a bite well and can last for several years. It is great for fishing in calm weather.

How to make a goose feather float
How to make a goose feather float

It is necessary

  • - goose feather
  • - a sharp knife or razor
  • - scissors
  • - nipple elastic
  • - colored varnish
  • - sandpaper


Step 1

A goose feather float is the simplest type of float that can be made in the field. If there is a village or village near the place that you have chosen for fishing, you will not be difficult to find a pair of flight feathers.

Step 2

Typically, feather floats are used in calm weather, in places with weak currents and when fishing from shallow to medium depths. The main disadvantage of feather floats is the inability to increase the weight of the rig.

Step 3

Goose feather floats can be made with one attachment point to the line, or with two. Single-point floats are more sensitive, but dual-point floats are more resistant to waves and currents.

Step 4

When choosing a suitable nib, make sure that it is free from defects - it has no scoring, kinks, or cracks. You can find goose feathers on the shores of rural reservoirs.

Step 5

Use a sharpened knife or razor to remove any lint and feathers from the shaft. Try to work carefully - any careless movement can lead to the appearance of scuffs on the spot. The shell of the rod must remain intact, otherwise it will loose its tightness and the float will absorb water.

Step 6

Sand the feathers and lint free with fine-grain sandpaper.

Step 7

Some fishermen prefer to use unpainted feather floats as they don't scare the fish. To make the float more visible on the water surface, you can paint its upper part with colored varnish (you can use red nail polish for this).

Step 8

Take a small piece of nipple rubber and cut one or two thin pieces from it (depending on the method you choose to attach the float to the line - at one or two points). Carefully slide the rubber ring onto the float and run the line through it.

Step 9

Sometimes fishermen make floats from a goose feather placed in a wine cork. Such floats allow to increase the weight of the rig and can be used in strong winds and currents. But the cork feather float has a number of disadvantages - in particular, it is not sensitive enough when biting small and medium fish.
