How To Choose The Right Path

How To Choose The Right Path
How To Choose The Right Path

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Dante wrote: "Follow your own path and let people say whatever." Each person has his own path determined from above, which is prompted by his sixth sense. Intuition will tell you to choose the right path, and it is up to you to follow it or not.

How to choose the right path
How to choose the right path


Step 1

It often happens that parents and acquaintances advise one thing, but a person still acts in his own way. It would seem that the mind prompts the correct logical decision, but a person does what his heart tells him. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to clearly understand what the sixth sense suggests. There are times when intuition is deeply silent, and all sound thoughts have disappeared from the head. In this case, if you are at a crossroads, and the further development of events in your life depends on your decision, then you should not rush and voice your intention without having time to understand yourself.

Step 2

Take time out and go on a trip. India will be an ideal place for your relaxation and contemplation on your own destiny. In this country, special programs and seminars are held for everyone who wants to communicate with ancient monks. With the help of a translator, you can ask them for advice, talk about a person's place in the world, his mission and tasks. You will be taught meditation, during which you can understand yourself and your desires.

Step 3

The right path is the path you like and like. If you are doing something and you are delighted with it, then you are on the right track. For example, you do not just love to sing, but you do it very well, as evidenced by numerous offers of work as a vocalist in local institutions. If you feel that this is yours, then even more work is needed to achieve great success. Study with a teacher, enter prestigious educational institutions. The main thing is, do not stop there, and then no one can surpass you.

Step 4

A simple exercise will help you choose the right path in life. Take a piece of paper and draw your perfect picture of the future. For example, you sunbathe on the coast near your own cottage. Next to the picture, write in two columns what you can and want to do and what you don’t like or care about.

Step 5

For example, you know how and love to cook, but you are horrified by the process of organizing and running a culinary workshop. This means that you are not a manager, but a real master of your craft - a culinary specialist. Then go not to popular entrepreneurship and management courses, but to inexpensive culinary courses. Becoming the chef of an expensive restaurant, you will not only be able to "put together" yourself a fortune, but you will do what you love every day.
