Andrei Makarevich was married 3 times in his life. In addition to official marriages, it is also known about the musician's stormy romances with young beauties. It was outside of marriage that Makarevich had two children.

Andrei Makarevich, even at the age of 65, continues to be popular among the fair sex. But none of the women could take as important a place in his life as the guitar. The musician always devoted all his time and thoughts to his beloved work.
Long-awaited recognition
From early childhood, the talented Andrei dreamed of a career as a musician. During his school years, the future musician was madly carried away by the work of the Beatles. He listened to the records of idols literally to the holes, and the parents begged the guy to give them at least a couple of hours to rest in silence. All this led Andrey to create his first own group. Soon after the school team a new one appeared - the same "Time Machine". Even then, Makarevich understood that he would not become famous. Rock music and the USSR were completely incompatible. Therefore, the young man was educated as an architect, and he played and sang exclusively in the evenings underground.
Despite the secrecy, the university administration constantly calculated the musician. For his secret activities with the guitar, Makarevich was eventually expelled from the institute. Despite this, he did not give up what he loved. Officially, Andrei was engaged in the design of theaters, and in the evenings he ran to his beloved woman - the guitar. He had other novels at that time. Young musicians were popular with women, so they did not stay alone for a long time.
In 75, Makarevich even had a daughter, Dana. True, Andrei was never married to her mother. The people around him expected that after the birth of the baby, the musician's beloved would receive a marriage proposal, but this never happened.
Father-in-law's help
Elena Glazova became the first official wife of the future star. The daughter of an eminent political commentator was conquered by the charming musician. Almost immediately, the lovers got married. Lena was still a student at that time. The girl's father turned out to be a big fan of Makarevich's music and did everything to promote his group and make it widely known. For example, a columnist wrote articles about the activities of a son-in-law.

By the way, for the wedding, the newly-made relatives gave Andrei and his wife a chic metropolitan apartment, so there was no need to think about finances. The young people had everything for a happy family life.
True, after 3 years the couple divorced. Elena was unhappy with her husband's eternal absence from home. In addition, Andrei at that time became addicted to alcohol and did not cease to ignore the attention of fans. Interestingly, a director from Poland became the girl's new spouse, who became famous for his film about Makarevich himself and his musical group.
The birth of a son
The beauty Alla Golubkina became Andrey's second wife. The lovers also quickly got married, missing the candy-bouquet period. The following year, the girl gave birth to an heir to her husband. Little Vanya turned out to be an exact copy of his star father. In addition, as an adult, the guy followed in the footsteps of his parent and became a musician. To this day, Ivan continues to conquer the stage. He has warm friendly relations with his father.
The couple also divorced after the fatal three years. Later, Andrei joked that this is the maximum period that he can withstand next to one woman. He always liked hot-tempered bright beauties who are ill-suited for family life. But the musician chose the quiet, calm ladies only with his head, but in his heart, unfortunately, he was cold to them.
A series of new relationships
After the second divorce, Makarevich had many novels. One of the brightest happened with TV presenter Ksenia Strizh. From the outside, the relationship of the lovers seemed perfect. It was a stormy, beautiful, memorable novel. The couple's fans constantly talked about the wedding. But the lovers themselves did not confirm these rumors. Andrei and Ksenia stayed together for 4 years, after which they quietly parted. The reason for the breakup was again the singer's betrayal.

The musician lived with the gorgeous brunette Anya Rozhdestvenskaya for about 2 years. The couple did not manage to get married, but they had a daughter. It did not prevent the lovers and the difference is over 20 years True, their happiness lasted only until the moment the child appeared. As Anna herself later said, the beloved simply ran away from her, not even leaving money to live with the baby. The young mother had to cope with stress in a psychiatric clinic.
Third spouse
Natalia Golub became the third wife of the musician. The marriage of the spouses lasted 7 years. Natasha supported her husband in everything. The couple traveled together, played sports. True, in the end, Dove fell in love with another man - much younger than Andrei. The girl went to him for Argentina.

Andrey is not married today. He himself tells reporters that he would no longer want to change anything. Makarevich is comfortable living alone and devoting himself to work without a trace.