Andrei Malakhov carefully hides his personal life from prying eyes. The fact that the presenter got married, his fans and journalists learned only a few months after the celebration.

For a long time, Andrei Malakhov was called one of the most enviable suitors in Russia. For several years after the start of his successful career, the presenter paid little attention to women and devoted all his time to work. The fans even had suspicions that the young man has a non-traditional sexual orientation. But all the unpleasant rumors were quickly dispelled when Andrei introduced his bride, Natalia Shkuleva, to the public. In 2011, the lovers got married in secret.
How it all began?
It is interesting that even the close friends of the couple did not know about the developing romance between Andrei and Natasha for some time. Malakhov is still convinced that the personal should remain personal. And 8 years ago, he was completely afraid that fans and journalists would somehow offend his chosen one. Therefore, the man with all his might kept his beloved from prying eyes.
Even Andrey's colleagues did not find out that the couple had already begun to prepare for the wedding. The wedding ceremony itself was held in the strictest secrecy. Malakhov's fans and media representatives learned about her only much later.

Lovers met at work. The magazine StarHit, whose face and editor was Malakhov, at that time belonged to Natalia's father. Once the future spouses just collided in the office and exchanged a few words on business issues. Already at that moment, a strong sympathy arose between them. Andrei himself likes to tell that he became interested in his future wife literally at first sight. She seemed to him special and completely different from other girls.
Very soon after they met, Malakhov took Natalia to visit his mother. The woman immediately liked the potential bride. Andrei's mom felt in her heart that this was the same girl who could become a wonderful wife for her son. After the acquaintance, the development of the relationship of lovers went even faster. For Malakhov, it was the approval and blessing of his mother that was very important.

By the way, for the first time Andrei and Natalya appeared together in society back in 2009. Then the two of them came to the wedding of their friends - Plushenko and Rudkovskaya. True, to questions about how serious the relationship between the lovers was at that moment, Malakhov refused to speak and, in general, did not confirm that Shkuleva was his bride.
Who is Natalia Shkuleva?
Until now, very little is known about the biography of Malakhov's wife. It should be noted that the girl is not at all an unknown fan of her eminent spouse, as many assume. Natalia was born into a wealthy family. Her father is associated with journalism and has repeatedly been included in the rating of the most influential and wealthy Russians. By the way, this fact of the biography of Malakhov's bride also influenced the couple's decision to hide their relationship and preparations for the wedding.
From a very early age, the girl's parents discussed that she would become the successor to their business. Therefore, much attention was paid to Natalia's education. For example, the first girl received a law degree from one of the most prestigious universities in Moscow. Shkuleva successfully combined her studies with a part-time job. While still a student, the girl helped her father in business. And after graduation, she became a lawyer at his publishing house. After a while, the parents made Natalia the full-fledged head of all their publishing houses. Malakhov himself has repeatedly explained in interviews that he could never live with a boring housewife. Therefore, he is very glad that after the wedding, his wife continued to actively develop her career. Nothing has changed even after the birth of the couple's long-awaited son. The boy was born in the fall of 2017, but now the young mother has returned to work. Parents on both sides and three hired nannies help her with the child.
Secret wedding
Before getting married, Malakhov and Shkuleva lived together for about a year. Both he and she are sure that civil marriage is a kind of test of how ready the lovers are for marriage and a joint future. Together they successfully passed this test. Soon Andrei stood on one knee in front of Natalia and made her a marriage proposal. The girl agreed. By the way, at the same time, the presenter presented the chosen one with an exclusive expensive ring with a two-carat diamond.

For a long time, no details were known about the wedding of Andrei and Natalya. But today the journalists managed to find out some of the details of the celebration. It turned out that the couple celebrated the wedding, albeit in secret, but on a large scale. First of all, the bride's father insisted on a chic holiday. He invited many influential friends to the celebration, acquaintances with whom could be useful for both his daughter and his newly-made son-in-law.
French Versailles was rented for the wedding ceremony. The guests' snacks were prepared by the best Parisian chefs. Only relatives and friends of the couple appeared at the wedding. Journalists were not allowed to the event.