Yesterday, your beloved was gentle with you, and you understood each other perfectly. And now it’s like a black cat has run between you. You feel that the reason is not a banal quarrel, but the forces of magic have invaded your relationship. If your other half is dear to you, then you should not retreat.

Step 1
In order to remove the superimposed lapel, you can turn to magicians and sorcerers, or you can try to remove the lapel yourself. You should start with a procedure for cleansing from the damage imposed on you and your beloved. For the ceremony, you will need a lighted candle purchased from the church. Lead it, holding it in your right hand from top to bottom and from bottom to top, reading the prayer "Our Father". If you hear a crackle, then you need to cross yourself or a photo of the person from whom you are removing the lapel of the candles.
Step 2
Removing the lapel is possible with a special herbal tea made from licorice, rose hips and dandelion roots. So that the infusion does not taste bitter, you can add a spoonful of honey to it and give it to your loved one to drink. While we are preparing the tea, we say: “I took pure and spring water, I put in it burning, effervescent herbs, stupefying roots, lured to me, intoxicating to sweetness. I cook this, I boil it, I adore it and give it strength, but I cover it with the wing of an angel. My words cannot be destroyed, cannot be cheated on by my friends, cannot be overturned by other magicians. I close my word with a stone key, and I hide it in the damp earth. My incantation cannot be removed in the same way as the bottom of mother earth cannot be reached"
Step 3
And if you do not believe in magic, then try to talk to your beloved, ask why he began to avoid you. Remember with him the best moments that you have experienced together. Remember that scandals and shouting in such situations will definitely not be effective.